Ultrasound Library - Level 3 (L3) - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English

The last level of abstraction is a complete beamformer composed of the units provided in L2. There are three types of beamformer provided: SA, PW and ScanLine.

### ScanLine Beamformer

This beamformer is a variant of the one used in PW where the difference consists in the receiver delay computation. As the graph is obtained by the composition of L2 libraries, it will have the summation of the components in I/O of the L2 libraries:

  • Graph Inputs:
    • start_positions: the position which we start the investigation in cartesian coordinate;
    • directions: X-Y-Z values of propagation of the spherical or planar wave emitted;
    • samples_arange: array with the index of the rf-data;
    • image_points_from_PL: the result of Image Points;
    • image_points_from_PL2: the result of Image Points;
    • tx_def_ref_point: X-Y-Z array with the reference point of the investigation for that iteration;
    • tx_def_delay_distance: X-Y-Z array which represent our absolute distance with respect to our focus;
    • tx_def_delay_distance2: X-Y-Z array which represent our absolute distance with respect to our focus;
    • tx_def_focal_point: X-Y-Z array which represent our focus;
    • t_start: The starting time of emission;
    • apo_ref_0: X component of the vector of apodization reference;
    • xdc_def_0: X component of the vector which represent the transducer positions;
    • apo_ref_1: Y component of the vector of apodization reference;
    • xdc_def_1: Y component of the vector which represent the transducer positions;
    • image_points_from_PL_2: Result of Image Points;
    • delay_from_PL: Result of Delay;
    • xdc_def_positions: X-Y-Z vector which represents the positions of our transducers in the probe;
    • sampling_frequency: The sampling frequency of the probe;
    • image_points: Result of Image Points;
    • apodization_reference: X-Y-Z vector which represents the positions of our apodization reference;
    • apo_distance_k: Result of Focusing;
    • F_number: The selected F number for the application;
    • P1: First point to be interpolated;
    • P2: Second point to be interpolated;
    • P3: Second point to be interpolated;
    • P4: Third point to be interpolated;
    • P5: Third point to be interpolated;
    • P6: Fourth point to be interpolated;
  • Graph Outputs:
    • Image Points: A Nx4 matrix which represents our points to analyze;
    • delay_to_PL: A vector which represents our time delay per point to analyze;
    • focusing_output: A vector which represents apodization distance per transducer;
    • samples_to_PL: A vector which represents our valid entries in the rf-data vector;
    • apodization: A vector which represents our Hanning Window for the reference point chosen;
    • C: A vector with the result of the interpolation

### PW Beamformer

This beamformer is the one used to compute PW beamformation. As the graph is obtained by the composition of L2 libraries, it will have the summation of the components in I/O of the L2 libraries:

  • Graph Inputs:
    • start_positions: the position which we start the investigation in cartesian coordinate;
    • directions: X-Y-Z values of propagation of the spherical or planar wave emitted;
    • samples_arange: array with the index of the rf-data;
    • image_points_from_PL: the result of Image Points;
    • tx_def_ref_point: X-Y-Z array with the reference point of the investigation for that iteration;
    • t_start: The starting time of emission;
    • apo_ref_0: X component of the vector of apodization reference;
    • xdc_def_0: X component of the vector which represent the transducer positions;
    • apo_ref_1: Y component of the vector of apodization reference;
    • xdc_def_1: Y component of the vector which represent the transducer positions;
    • image_points_from_PL_2: Result of Image Points;
    • delay_from_PL: Result of Delay;
    • xdc_def_positions: X-Y-Z vector which represents the positions of our transducers in the probe;
    • sampling_frequency: The sampling frequency of the probe;
    • image_points: Result of Image Points;
    • apodization_reference: X-Y-Z vector which represents the positions of our apodization reference;
    • apo_distance_k: Result of Focusing;
    • F_number: The selected F number for the application;
    • P1: First point to be interpolated;
    • P2: Second point to be interpolated;
    • P3: Second point to be interpolated;
    • P4: Third point to be interpolated;
    • P5: Third point to be interpolated;
    • P6: Fourth point to be interpolated;
  • Graph Outputs:
    • Image Points: A Nx4 matrix which represents our points to analyze;
    • delay_to_PL: A vector which represents our time delay per point to analyze;
    • focusing_output: A vector which represents apodization distance per transducer;
    • samples_to_PL: A vector which represents our valid entries in the rf-data vector;
    • apodization: A vector which represents our Hanning Window for the reference point chosen;
    • C: A vector with the result of the interpolation

### SA Beamformer

This beamformer is the one used to compute SA beamformation. As the graph is obtained by the composition of L2 libraries, it will have the summation of the components in I/O of the L2 libraries:

  • Graph Inputs:
    • start_positions: the position which we start the investigation in cartesian coordinate;
    • directions: X-Y-Z values of propagation of the spherical or planar wave emitted;
    • samples_arange: array with the index of the rf-data;
    • image_points_from_PL: the result of Image Points;
    • image_points_from_PL2: the result of Image Points;
    • tx_def_ref_point: X-Y-Z array with the reference point of the investigation for that iteration;
    • tx_def_delay_distance: X-Y-Z array which represent our absolute distance with respect to our focus;
    • tx_def_delay_distance2: X-Y-Z array which represent our absolute distance with respect to our focus;
    • tx_def_focal_point: X-Y-Z array which represent our focus;
    • t_start: The starting time of emission;
    • apo_ref_0_tx: X component of the vector of apodization reference;
    • img_points_0: X component of the Image Points result;
    • apo_ref_1_tx: Y component of the vector of apodization reference;
    • img_points_1: Y component of the Image Points result;
    • image_points: Result of Image Points;
    • apodization_reference_tx: X-Y-Z vector which represents the positions of our apodization reference (transmission);
    • apo_distance_k_tx: Result of Focusing_SA;
    • F_number: The selected F number for the application;
    • apo_ref_0: X component of the vector of apodization reference;
    • xdc_def_0: X component of the vector which represent the transducer positions;
    • apo_ref_1: Y component of the vector of apodization reference;
    • xdc_def_1: Y component of the vector which represent the transducer positions;
    • image_points_from_PL_2: Result of Image Points;
    • delay_from_PL: Result of Delay;
    • xdc_def_positions: X-Y-Z vector which represents the positions of our transducers in the probe;
    • sampling_frequency: The sampling frequency of the probe;
    • image_points: Result of Image Points;
    • apodization_reference: X-Y-Z vector which represents the positions of our apodization reference;
    • apo_distance_k: Result of Focusing;
    • F_number: The selected F number for the application;
    • P1: First point to be interpolated;
    • P2: Second point to be interpolated;
    • P3: Second point to be interpolated;
    • P4: Third point to be interpolated;
    • P5: Third point to be interpolated;
    • P6: Fourth point to be interpolated;
  • Graph Outputs:
    • Image Points: A Nx4 matrix which represents our points to analyze;
    • delay_to_PL: A vector which represents our time delay per point to analyze;
    • focusing_output_tx: A vector which represents apodization distance in transmission;
    • apodization_tx: A vector which represents our Hanning Window for the reference point chosen;
    • focusing_output: A vector which represents apodization distance per transducer;
    • samples_to_PL: A vector which represents our valid entries in the rf-data vector;
    • apodization: A vector which represents our Hanning Window for the reference point chosen;
    • C: A vector with the result of the interpolation