cholesky - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English
#include "cholesky.hpp"
template <
    bool LowerTriangularL,
    int RowsColsA,
    class InputType,
    class OutputType,
    typename TRAITS = choleskyTraits<LowerTriangularL, RowsColsA, InputType, OutputType>
int cholesky (
    hls::stream <InputType>& matrixAStrm,
    hls::stream <OutputType>& matrixLStrm



LowerTriangularL When false generates the result in the upper triangle
RowsColsA Defines the matrix dimensions
InputType Input data type
OutputType Output data type
TRAITS choleskyTraits class
matrixAStrm Stream of Hermitian/symmetric positive definite input matrix
matrixLStrm Stream of Lower or upper triangular output matrix


An integer type. 0=Success. 1=Failure. The function attempted to find the square root of a negative number i.e. the input matrix A was not Hermitian/symmetric positive definite.