Performance - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English

For representing the resource utilization in each benchmark, we separate the overall utilization into 2 parts, where P stands for the resource usage in platform, that is those instantiated in static region of the FPGA card, as well as K represents those used in kernels (dynamic region). The input is matrix, and the target device is set to Alveo U250.

Table 186 Performance for processing solver on FPGA
Architecture Matrix_Size Unroll Latency(s) Timing LUT(P/K) BRAM(P/K) URAM(P/K) DSP(P/K)
GESVDJ (U250) 512x512 16 25.94 300MHz 108.1K/21.1K 178/127 0/20 4/2
GESVJ (U250) 512x512 8 1.811 280MHz 101.7K/101.5K 165/387 0/112 4/3
GTSV (U250) 512x512 16 3.484 275MHz 101.7K/160.5K 165/523.5 0/110 4/6

These are details for benchmark result and usage steps.