aes192CbcDecrypt - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English
#include "xf_security/cbc.hpp"
static void aes192CbcDecrypt (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertextStrm,
    hls::stream <bool>& endCiphertextStrm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <192>>& cipherkeyStrm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& IVStrm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintextStrm,
    hls::stream <bool>& endPlaintextStrm

aes192CbcDecrypt is CBC decryption mode with AES-192 single block cipher.

The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.


ciphertextStrm Input block stream text to be decrypted, each block is 128 bits.
endCiphertextStrm End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit.
cipherkeyStrm Input cipher key used in decryption, 192 bits.
IVStrm Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES decrypition, 128 bits.
plaintextStrm Output decrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits.
endPlaintextStrm End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit.