Generation Algorithm - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English

We can design an algorithm for generating Brownian bridge according to the theory above. The backward generation algorithm for Brownian bridge is to generate a sequence between \(a\) and \(b\). A practical strategy is called binary partitioning on \([0, T]\). It is based on a procedure of gradually reducing the grid size to half. Specifically, we start from \(T\) (level 0), then \(T/4, 3T/4\), then \(T/8, 3T/8, 5T/8, 7T/8\), etc.

The detailed algorithm:

Input: a sequence of random variate \(Z\) with standardized normal distribution and length \(N=2^{K}\)

Output: a Brownian bridge sequence \(W\) in time range \([0,T]\) and length \(N\)

  1. \(W_{T} = \sqrt{T}Z\), \(W_{0}=0\), \(h=T\)

  2. For k from 1 to \(K\)

    • \(h = h/2\)

    • for \(j\) from 1 to \(2^{k-1}\)

      \(W_{(2j-1)h}=\dfrac{1}{2}(W_{2(j-1)h} + W_{2jh}) + \sqrt{h}Z\)

A generalized algorithm for any sequence length \(N\):

Input: a sequence of random variate \(Z\) with standardized normal distribution with length \(N\)

Output: a Brownian bridge sequence \(W\) in time range \([0,T]\) and length \(N\)

  1. \(W_{T} = \sqrt{T}Z_{0}\), \(j = 0\)
  2. Intialize array map[\(0..N-1\)] as all 0, except for map[\(N-1\)] = 1
  3. For \(i\) from 1 to \(N-1\)
    • Find the first unpopulated entry in the map from current position of \(j\)
    • Find the next populated entry in the map from there, noted as \(k\)
    • Find the middle position of \(j\) and \(k\), noted as \(l\)
    • bridgeIndex[\(i\)] = \(l\), leftIndex[\(i\)] = \(j\), rightIndex[\(i\)] = \(k\)
    • Move \(j\) to the right position of \(k\), if it is out of map boundary, set \(j\) to 0
  4. For \(i\) from 1 to \(N-1\)
    • \(l\) = bridgeIndex[\(i\)], \(j\) = leftIndex[\(i\)], \(k\) = rightIndex[\(i\)]
    • \(W_{l}=\dfrac{t_{k}-t_{l}}{t_{k}-t_{j-1}} W_{j-1} + \dfrac{t_{l}-t_{j-1}}{t_{k}-t_{j-1}} W_{k} + \sqrt{\dfrac{(t_{l}-t_{j-1})(t_{k}-t_{l})}{t_{k}-t_{j-1}}}Z_{i}\). (\(t_{j-1}\) is treated as 0 when j is 0.)