Tutorial Overview
Motor Control Library provides 4 algorithm-level synthesizable APIs including FOC, SVPWM_DUTY, PWM_GEN and QEI. And a simple virtual motor model is provided for verification.
Based on the Motor Control library with a virtual motor model, users can complete all core module verifications such as FOC, QEI, SVPWM, solely in the Vitis environment. This can be helpful to improve the efficiency of design modification and iterations. This tutorial is designed to guide users on how to conduct design verification and learn how to validate design functionality at different stages of the design process.
Lab-1: Downloading the Library and Understanding the structure
Download the Vitis Motor Control Library
#!/bin/bash git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries.git cd Vitis_Libraries/motor_control git checkout next
Get knowledge about directory structure of Vitis Motor Control Library
├── docs------------------------document │ └── src │ ├── benchmark │ ├── guide_L1 │ │ └── IPs │ └── images └── L1 ├── include │ └── hw------------------L1 APIs ├── meta └── tests-------------------L1 Test ├── IP_FOC │ └── src ├── IP_PWM_GEN ├── IP_QEI │ └── src ├── IP_SVPWM │ └── src └── Model---------------model files include virtual motor model
Get knowledge about the virtual motor model
A simplified physical motor model can be represented as follows:
The corresponding matrix representation is shown below:
The datasheet below shows parameters used in motor model.
Parameter | Unit | Value |
Torque Constant (Kt) | oz-in/A | 2.27 |
Rotor Inertia (Ir) | oz-in-sec2 | 3.3x10^-5 |
Rated Voltage | V | 24 |
Rated Torque | oz-in | 2.0 |
Rated Speed | RPM | 10,000 |
Rated Power | W | 15 |
Rated Current | A | 0.88 |
Poles pairs (N) | # | 2 |
Permanent magnet flux linkage | A/Nm | 0.008015 |
Peak Torque | oz-in | 6.0 |
No Load Speed | RPM | 12,800 |
Line-to-Line Resistance | Ω | 4.63 |
Line-to-Line Inductance | mH | 1.69 |
Ld = 0.5 * line-to-line inductance | mH | 0.845 |
These parameters could be set in the header file common.hpp in ./motor_control/L1/include/hw/ folder, the virtual motor model could be found in ./motor_control/L1/tests/Model/model_motor.hpp.
Lab-2: Simulation and verification of FOC_sensor
CSIM verification flow
source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2023.1/settings64.sh git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries.git cd ./motor_control/ git checkout next git pull cd L1/tests/IP_FOC/ make run CSIM=1
Stdout explanation
vim ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_FOC/ip_foc_periodic_ap_fixed_sim.prj/sol1/csim/report/hls_foc_periodic_ap_fixed_csim.log SIM_FOC_M:********** Simulation parameters ************* Motor parameter ******************** Log files*************************************** SIM_FOC_M: Timescale : 10 (us) | motor.w : 718.0615 (rad/s) | Log of parameters : sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.para.foc SIM_FOC_M: Total step : 3000 | motor.theta : 5.014019 (rad) | Log of FOC inputs : sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.in.foc SIM_FOC_M: Total time : 0.030000 (s) | motor.Id : 0.334735 ( A ) | Log of FOC outputs: sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.out.foc SIM_FOC_M: Inteval : 3 | motor.Iq : 1.253668 ( A ) SIM_FOC_M: FOC MODE : MOD_TORQUE_WITHOUT_SPEED SIM_FOC_M: FOC CPR : 1000 | FOC PPR: 2 SIM_FOC_M:************ PID Final Status ********* SIM_FOC_M: SPEED SP : 10000.0 | FLUX SP: 0.0000 | TORQUE SP: 4.8000 | FW SP: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED KP : 2.7000 | FLUX KP: 1.0000 | TORQUE KP: 5.0000 | FW KP: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED KI : 0.0033 | FLUX KI: 0.0000 | TORQUE KI: 0.0033 | FW KI: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED ERR : 3144.000 | FLUX ERR: -0.332 | TORQUE ERR: 3.5469 | FW ERR: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED ACC : 23853.000 | FLUX ACC: -862.297 | TORQUE ACC: 9952.8320 | FW ACC: -- SIM_FOC_M:************************************************************************************************************************************ SIM_FOC_M:********** Simulation parameters ************* Motor parameter ******************** Log files*************************************** SIM_FOC_M: Timescale : 10 (us) | motor.w : 1030.6429 (rad/s) | Log of parameters : sim_rpm10k.para.foc SIM_FOC_M: Total step : 3000 | motor.theta : 4.277364 (rad) | Log of FOC inputs : sim_rpm10k.in.foc SIM_FOC_M: Total time : 0.030000 (s) | motor.Id : 0.079221 ( A ) | Log of FOC outputs: sim_rpm10k.out.foc SIM_FOC_M: Inteval : 3 | motor.Iq : -0.002429 ( A ) SIM_FOC_M: FOC MODE : MOD_SPEED_WITH_TORQUE SIM_FOC_M: FOC CPR : 1000 | FOC PPR: 2 SIM_FOC_M:************ PID Final Status ********* SIM_FOC_M: SPEED SP : 10000.0 | FLUX SP: 0.0000 | TORQUE SP: 4.8000 | FW SP: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED KP : 2.7000 | FLUX KP: 1.0000 | TORQUE KP: 0.0400 | FW KP: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED KI : 0.0033 | FLUX KI: 0.0000 | TORQUE KI: 0.0033 | FW KI: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED ERR : 159.000 | FLUX ERR: -0.078 | TORQUE ERR: 429.0039 | FW ERR: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED ACC : -22210.000 | FLUX ACC: -318.191 | TORQUE ACC: -16205.0859 | FW ACC: -- SIM_FOC_M:************************************************************************************************************************************ SIM_FOC_M:********** Simulation parameters ************* Motor parameter ******************** Log files*************************************** SIM_FOC_M: Timescale : 10 (us) | motor.w : -1472.6259 (rad/s) | Log of parameters : sim_rpm16k.para.foc SIM_FOC_M: Total step : 3000 | motor.theta : -1.176267 (rad) | Log of FOC inputs : sim_rpm16k.in.foc SIM_FOC_M: Total time : 0.030000 (s) | motor.Id : 0.151595 ( A ) | Log of FOC outputs: sim_rpm16k.out.foc SIM_FOC_M: Inteval : 3 | motor.Iq : -0.000646 ( A ) SIM_FOC_M: FOC MODE : MOD_SPEED_WITH_TORQUE SIM_FOC_M: FOC CPR : 1000 | FOC PPR: 2 SIM_FOC_M:************ PID Final Status ********* SIM_FOC_M: SPEED SP : -16000.0 | FLUX SP: 0.0000 | TORQUE SP: 4.8000 | FW SP: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED KP : 2.7000 | FLUX KP: 1.0000 | TORQUE KP: 0.0400 | FW KP: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED KI : 0.0033 | FLUX KI: 0.0000 | TORQUE KI: 0.0033 | FW KI: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED ERR : -1938.000 | FLUX ERR: -0.148 | TORQUE ERR: -5231.9961 | FW ERR: -- SIM_FOC_M: SPEED ACC : -12261.000 | FLUX ACC: -835.707 | TORQUE ACC: 14277.8711 | FW ACC: -- SIM_FOC_M:************************************************************************************************************************************
- The current test is a hybrid test of the 8 modes run serially.The first three of the the eight modes’s simulation parameter and Motor parameter is shown up.
- For example, the title of “simulation parameters” shows the setting for simulation. The first 3000 test steps
- use MOD_SPEED_WITH_TORQUE, Speed setpoint is 10000, as we could check the “motor parameter” motor.w=1030.6429 (rad/s) is near the setting rpm 10000. (RPM = motor.w * 60 / (2 * pi) )
- CPR = 1000 and PPR =2
- title of “log files” shows the log files generate for this 3000 steps. They will be used as input and golden files for the file flow test, which better simulate the actual running.
- Then still apply MOD_SPEED_WITH_TORQUE for the next 3000 steps, Speed setpoint is 16000
SIM_FOC_F:****Loading parameters and input from files ************************************************************************************ SIM_FOC_F: parameters file is sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.para.foc, format: SIM_FOC_F: FOC inputs file is sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.in.foc, format: <float va> <float vb> <float vb> <theta_m, rpm> <int va> <int vb> <int vc> SIM_FOC_F: FOC output file is sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.out.foc, format: <float va> <float vb> <float vb> <theta_m, rpm> <int va> <int vb> <int vc> SIM_FOC_F: MODE : 2 SIM_FOC_F: FLUX_SP : 0.000000 SIM_FOC_F: FLUX_KP : 1.000000 SIM_FOC_F: FLUX_KI : 0.000000 SIM_FOC_F: TORQUE_SP : 4.799988 SIM_FOC_F: TORQUE_KP : 5.000000 SIM_FOC_F: TORQUE_KI : 0.003311 SIM_FOC_F: SPEED_SP : 10000.000000 SIM_FOC_F: SPEED_KP : 2.699997 SIM_FOC_F: SPEED_KI : 0.003311 SIM_FOC_F: VD : 0.000000 SIM_FOC_F: VQ : 24.000000 SIM_FOC_F: FW_KP : 1.000000 SIM_FOC_F: FW_KI : 0.003311 SIM_FOC_F: CNT_TRIP : 3000 SIM_FOC_F: *********** Comparison with golden file: ******** SIM_FOC_F: Total step : 3000 SIM_FOC_F: Golden File : sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.out.foc SIM_FOC_F: Max Voltage : 24.000 100.00% SIM_FOC_F: threshold : 1.200 5.00% SIM_FOC_F: Mean error : 0.000 0.00% SIM_FOC_F: Max error : 0.000 0.00% SIM_FOC_F: Min error : 0.000 0.00% SIM_FOC_F: Total error : 0 SIM_FOC_F:********************************************************************************************************************************
- The stdout shown above is the file based simulation result of the first of the eight modes.
Waveform explanation and check
- vim ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_FOC/ip_foc_periodic_ap_fixed_sim.prj/sol1/csim/build/sim_foc_ModelFoc.log
- Copy the content to excel and draw the speed curve.
COSIM verification flow
cd ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_FOC/ make run COSIM=1 XPART=xc7z020-clg400-1
To see the waveform of signal of the foc, please add parameter -wave_debug behind cosim_design in file ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_FOC/run_hls_sim.tcl.
Waveform explanation
The image below shown the signals output from the AXI interface.
From the image below we can see signals of module hls_foc_periodic_ap_fixed (ap_fixed version) cosim with C model motor in mode MOD_SPEED_WITH_TORQUE.
Export IP flow
source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2023.1/settings64.sh git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries.git cd ./motor_control/ git checkout next git pull cd L1/tests/FOC/IP_FOC/ make run VIVADO_IMPL=1 XPART=xc7z020-clg400-1
User can get AXI address by using the command below.
vim ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_FOC/ip_foc_periodic_ap_fixed_sim.prj/sol1/impl/verilog/hls_foc_periodic_ap_fixed_foc_args_s_axi.v
Lab-3: Simulation and verification of SVPWM-DUTY
CSIM verification flow
source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2023.1/settings64.sh git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries.git cd motor_control/ git checkout next git pull cd L1/tests/IP_SVPWM/ make run CSIM=1
Execute the executable file with parameters follow the step below:
cd ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_SVPWM_DUTY/svpwm_duty_sim.prj/sol1/csim/build ./csim.exe condition: [-shift_0/-shift_120] | [-dc_adc/-dc_ref] | [-pwm_fq <pwm frequency>] | [-dead <dead cycles>] [-ii <sampling II>] [-cnt <Number of input>]
Stdout explanation
The stdout has shown the AXI-lite signal and inner status monitoring parameters.
: is used to monitor the inner trip count of svpwm_duty. It can register how many inputs are consumed totally. The default value is 10.args_dc_link_ref
: is supposed to connect with the external direct-current voltage source for reference. Typically, if the magnitude of the synthesized electric vector is smaller than the value, the high voltage duration of the switch pair should work longer. The duration should multiply a compensate-ratio factor.args_dc_src_mode
: decides where the external source of dc_link voltage for reference is coming from. 0, the dc_link reference voltage is determined by the measured value of the ADC dc_link voltage; 1, the reference voltage is solely determined by the preset static register value for reference voltage.args_sample_ii
: it can control the consumption rate of SVPWM_DUTY. The svpwm is producing the waveform every cycle. The default sample-ii value is 1.- In the CSIM, the fifo is assumed to be infinitely large. Thus, all of the 10 inputs are able to be stacked into the fifo and produce exactly the same number of outputs. Thus, no matter of what sample-ii value is here, the CSIM result always remains same here.
- In the COSIM, since we define the fifo depth as 4, the fifo can only take in the maximum number of 4 inputs. If the sample-ii is 1 clock cycle, while the downstream of PWM_GEN is consuming the data every 1000 cycles, the input fifo is soon stuffed full of 4 inputs and other 6 inputs are discarded immediately. However, if the sample-ii is set as 1000 clock cycles, every data will consume at a rate of 1000. It can guarantee that no data is going to be discarded. The COSIM behavior complies with the CSIM.
: is the measured value of ADC dc_link value.V_ref
: is rounded value of dc_link_adcratio_compensate
: multiply with the duty_cycle in each channel to compensate the final synthesized voltage.
Waveform explanation and check
- vim ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_SVPWM_DUTY/svpwm_duty_sim.prj/sol1/csim/build/wave_all10
- copy the content to excel and draw the curve
Phase_shift_mode = MODE_PWM_PHASE_SHIFT::SHIFT_120
COSIM verification flow
make run COSIM=1 XPART=xc7z020-clg400-1
Waveform explanation
Verify latency from input to output.
According to waveform, the measured latency is 504.750ns from sampling commands to outputting ratios (50 cycles)
Verify latency of pwm_cycle
II-sample’s impact
Testcase [-v0]
float Va0_f[TESTNUMBER] = {0, 7.406250, 13.968750, 8.250000, -7.968750, -14.062500, -7.312500, 6.187500, MAX_VAL_PWM, -MAX_VAL_PWM}; float Vb0_f[TESTNUMBER] = {0, -14.062500, -7.593750, 5.625000, 13.968750, 6.656250, -6.750000, -14.062500, MAX_VAL_PWM, -MAX_VAL_PWM}; float Vc0_f[TESTNUMBER] = {0, 6.5625, -6.46875, -13.96875, -6.09375, 7.21875, 13.96875, 7.78125, MAX_VAL_PWM, -MAX_VAL_PWM};
Testcase [-v2]
t_svpwm_cmd Va2[TESTNUMBER] = {24, 22, 18, 12, 6, 3, 0,-12,-18,-24}; t_svpwm_cmd Vb2[TESTNUMBER] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; t_svpwm_cmd Vc2[TESTNUMBER] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
Test Case [-v0] default
II-sample = 1
The fifo depth is 4 and each iteration latency is 93 clock cycles. Each output is programmed to come out at an interval of 1000 clock cycles. f the sample-ii is 1, the fifo is soon filled full of the data (within 93 clock cycles) while the first output is still not coming yet. Another 6 data are immediately discarded. The following diagram depicts that the final outcome only has 4 duty_cycles.
II-sample = 50
The fifo depth is 4 and each iteration latency is 93 clock cycles. When ii-sample is 50, one signal is consumed and the result comes after 93. The fifo has enough space to store the next two stream-in data. Hence the output end can produce the complete ten waveform.
II-sample = 1000 (Default)
Export IP flow
source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2022.2/settings64.sh git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries.git cd motor_control/ git checkout next git pull cd L1/tests/FOC/IP_SVPWM/ make run VIVADO_IMPL=1 XPART=xc7z020-clg400-1
User can get AXI address by using the command below.
vim ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_SVPWM/svpwm_hls_lib.prj/sol1/impl/verilog/hls_svpwm_duty_pwm_args_s_axi.v
Lab-4: Simulation and verification of PWM-GEN
CSIM verification flow
source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2023.1/settings64.sh git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries.git cd ./motor_control/ git checkout next git pull cd L1/tests/IP_PWM_GEN/ make run CSIM=1
Stdout explanation
The stdout shown above depicts the following info:
: the pwm_cycle is defined as theclock_freq / args_pwm_freq
, which is supposed to have a default value of 1000. Typically, it can help to test and verify the RTL behavior.args_pwm_freq
: the pwm frequency is the wave frequency after the pulse width modulation. Within every pwm cycle =[1 / args_pwm_freq]
, the high voltage duration can be modulated as any value within the range of 0~pwm_cycle.args_dead_cycles
: the upper and lower switches on the same bridge cannot switch simultaneously, otherwise the overloaded transient current on this branch will cause irrevertible damage to the system. Thus, for every complementary swtich pair, the upper switch will react a dead_cycles times ahead of the lower switch.args_phase_shift
: it determines the phase_shift mode. 0, there is no phase_shift in the gating and sync. 1, there is 120-degree phase_shift in the svpwm.args_sample_ii
: it determines the consumption rate of hls_pwm_gen. The default consumption rate is ii = 1000.- In the CSIM, the fifo is assumed to be infinitely large. Thus, all of the 10 inputs are able to be stacked into the fifo and produce exactly the same number of outputs. Thus, no matter of what sample-ii value is here, the CSIM result always remains same here.
- In the COSIM, the default fifo depth is 2. The hls_pwm_gen consumes every input and produces 1000 output, with a pipeline interval of 1 clock cycle. Hence ii > 1000 will have the previous input produce the output twice. The COSIM -ii=2000 diagram depicts the phenomenon.
COSIM verification flow
Waveform explanation, in which II = 1000 complete 10 waveform.
-ii = 2000
The hls_pwm_gen read once at the beginning, so produce the exact waveform as [-ii = 1000]. However, since the sampling rate is set as [-ii = 2000], the wave produces as the usual rate., the wave after 1 is producing the wave twice.
Export IP flow
source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2022.2/settings64.sh git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis_Libraries.git cd ./motor_control/ git checkout next git pull cd L1/tests/IP_PWM_GEN/ make run VIVADO_IMPL=1 XPART=xc7z020-clg400-1
User can get AXI address by using the command below.
vim ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_PWM_GEN/pwm_gen.prj/sol1/impl/verilog/hls_pwm_gen_pwm_args_s_axi.v
Lab-5: Simulation and verification of QEI
CSIM verification flow
cd ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_QEI/ make run CSIM=1
Stdout explanation
- The title of “Generating Input” shows the setting for input args
- CLK=100M
- CPR=1000
- rmp={3000, 1000, 2000, 5000, 100, 200, 300},
- angle_start={355.0, 54.7, 45.0, 25.2, 5.4, 7.2, 9.7}
- dir={1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, corresponding angle run={60, 10, 20, 20, 2, 3, 5}, corresponding steps={166, 27, 55, 55, 5, 8, 13}
- freq_AB={50.0k, 16.7k, 33.3k, 83.3k, 1.7k, 5.0k, 8.3k}, the freq_AB from formula freq_AB=rpm / 60.0 * cpr
- num_write={332000, 161892, 164780, 66000, 299980, 160000, 155948}: the total number of ABI signals each running
- time_used={0.003320, 0.001619, 0.001648, 0.000660, 0.003000, 0.001600, 0.001559}: the time used of system simulation each running
- rpm_est={3012, 1029, 2023, 5051, 111, 313, 534}: the value from formula time_used = (float)num_write/(float)freq_clk
- The title of “Output analysis” shows the output of simulation
- Changed out: the number of output
- dir: the output of dir should be the same with dir of input setting
- rpm: the output of rpm should fuzzy match the input dir
- angle_detected: the angle_detected should fuzzy match the input angle_start
- counter: the number of steps required for the current location or angle
- err: 0 represents valid output, 3 represents invalid output
- The title of “AXI Parameter Value” shows the axi-port of return
COSIM verification flow
cd ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_QEI/ make run COSIM=1 XPART=xc7z020-clg400-1
Waveform explanation
First, we can check if the input signals including A, B, I are valid, and they should be same to the waveform above like high and low level interaction. Moreover, the output of qei_err_TDATA indicates whether the input signal is valid, just 0 represents valid input and 3 represents invalid input.
Secondly, we should focus on the output for qei_RPM_THETA_m_TDATA, it includes speed(rpm) and angle(theta). The rpm will be a stable result like “0bb8” as shown on waveform above, and it should be equal to your setting given by user. The angle will be a increasing value like “0001 0002 … ” as shown on waveform above, and it depends on PPR of motor system.
Finally, the axi-lite of port should be update status value for clocks just like waveform shown above.
Export IP flow
cd ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_QEI/ make run VIVADO_SYN=1 VIVADO_IMPL=1 XPART=xc7z020-clg400-1
User can get AXI address by using the command below.
vim ./motor_control/L1/tests/IP_QEI/hls_qei.prj/sol1/impl/verilog/hls_qei_qei_args_s_axi.v
For more information about how to analyze performance, please refer to Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)
Tutorial Summary
Through the above tutorial labs, it can be seen that the development process based on Vitis HLS can cover most of the development and validation work in traditional RTL based flow and C/C++ based flow, and the efficiency is very high. When users need customized changes and optimized designs, they can benefit from Vitis’ development flow.
The tutorial will be developed to cover more Motor Contorl motheds and their combinations, more flows and more classic applications.