Primitive APIs in ``xf::motorcontrol`` - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English
// namespaces

namespace xf::motorcontrol::details

// enums

enum FOC_Mode


#include "foc.hpp"
template <
    int VALUE_CPR,
    typename T_IO,
    int MAX_IO,
    int W,
    int I,
    typename T_RPM_THETA_FOC
void hls_foc_strm_ap_fixed (
    hls::stream <T_IO>& Ia,
    hls::stream <T_IO>& Ib,
    hls::stream <T_IO>& Ic,
    hls::stream <T_RPM_THETA_FOC>& FOC_RPM_THETA_m,
    hls::stream <T_IO>& Va_cmd,
    hls::stream <T_IO>& Vb_cmd,
    hls::stream <T_IO>& Vc_cmd,
    volatile int& ppr_args,
    volatile int& control_mode_args,
    volatile int& control_fixperiod_args,
    volatile int& flux_sp_args,
    volatile int& flux_kp_args,
    volatile int& flux_ki_args,
    volatile int& flux_kd_args,
    volatile int& torque_sp_args,
    volatile int& torque_kp_args,
    volatile int& torque_ki_args,
    volatile int& torque_kd_args,
    volatile int& speed_sp_args,
    volatile int& speed_kp_args,
    volatile int& speed_ki_args,
    volatile int& speed_kd_args,
    volatile int& angle_sh_args,
    volatile int& vd_args,
    volatile int& vq_args,
    volatile int& fw_kp_args,
    volatile int& fw_ki_args,
    volatile int& id_stts,
    volatile int& flux_acc_stts,
    volatile int& flux_err_stts,
    volatile int& flux_out_stts,
    volatile int& iq_stts,
    volatile int& torque_acc_stts,
    volatile int& torque_err_stts,
    volatile int& torque_out_stts,
    volatile int& speed_stts,
    volatile int& speed_acc_stts,
    volatile int& speed_err_stts,
    volatile int& speed_out_stts,
    volatile int& angle_stts,
    volatile int& Va_cmd_stts,
    volatile int& Vb_cmd_stts,
    volatile int& Vc_cmd_stts,
    volatile int& Ialpha_stts,
    volatile int& Ibeta_stts,
    volatile int& Ihomopolar_stts,
    volatile int& fixed_angle_args,
    volatile long& trip_cnt

sensor based field-orientated control (FOC) in the form of a demo


VALUE_CPR Number of encoder steps per one full revolution. ex. 1000
T_IO Data type for input currents and output commands. ex. ap_fixed<24, 8>
MAX_IO Maximum absolute value for input currents and output commands. ex. 24(V)
W Width of T_IO. ex. 24 for ap_fixed<24, 8>
I Integer part width of T_IO(inluding sign bit). ex. 8 for ap_fixed<24, 8>
T_RPM_THETA_FOC Data type for packaged RPM and Theta scale value mode by VALUE_CPR, 32-bit aligned
Ia Input Phase A current
Ib Input Phase B current
Ic Input Phase C current
FOC_RPM_THETA_m Input THETA_m in [31:16] and RPM in [15:0]
Va_cmd Output Va
Vb_cmd Output Vb
Vc_cmd Output Vc
ppr_args input number of pole pairs per phase of the motor; full sinus periods per revolution.
control_mode_args Input control mode of foc, enum FOC_Mode. Read every latency cycles of LOOP_FOC
control_fixperiod_args input control_fixperiod. Read every latency cycles of LOOP_FOC
flux_sp_args Input Args setting point for PID control of Flux
flux_kp_args Input Args Proportional coefficient for PID control of Flux
flux_ki_args Input Args Integral coefficient for PID control of Flux
flux_kd_args Input Args Differential coefficient for PID control of Flux
torque_sp_args Input Args setting point for PID control of Torque
torque_kp_args Input Args Proportional coefficient for PID control of Torque
torque_ki_args Input Args Integral coefficient for PID control of Torque
torque_kd_args Input Args Differential coefficient for PID control of Torque
speed_sp_args Input Args setting point for PID control of RPM
speed_kp_args Input Args Proportional coefficient for PID control of RPM
speed_ki_args Input Args Integral coefficient for PID control of RPM
speed_kd_args Input Args Differential coefficient for PID control of RPM
angle_sh_args Input Args for angle shift
vd_args Input Args for setting fixed vd
vq_args Input Args for setting fixed vq
fw_kp_args Input Args setting point for PID control of field weakening
fw_ki_args Input Args Integral coefficient for PID control of field weakening
id_stts Output status to monitor stator d-axis current
flux_acc_stts Output status to monitor flux accumulate value
flux_err_stts Output status to monitor flux latest error value
flux_out_stts Output status to monitor flux PID’s output
iq_stts Output status to monitor stator q-axis current
torque_acc_stts Output status to monitor torque accumulate value
torque_err_stts Output status to monitor torque latest error value
torque_out_stts Output status to monitor torque PID’s output
speed_stts Output status to monitor speed(RPM) of motor
speed_acc_stts Output status to monitor speed(RPM) accumulate value
speed_err_stts Output status to monitor speed(RPM) latest error value
speed_out_stts Output status to monitor speed(RPM) PID’s output
angle_stts Output status to monitor Theta_m of motor (scale value to [0, VALUE_CPR])
Va_cmd_stts Output status to monitor Output Va
Vb_cmd_stts Output status to monitor Output Vb
Vc_cmd_stts Output status to monitor Output Vc
Ialpha_stts Output status to monitor Ialpha (output of Clarke_Direct)
Ibeta_stts Output status to monitor Ibeta (output of Clarke_Direct)
Ihomopolar_stts Output status to monitor Ihomopolar (output of Clarke_Direct)
fixed_angle_args Input Args for MOD_MANUAL_TORQUE_FLUX_FIXED_ANGLE
trip_cnt Input Args to set the trip count of foc loop


#include "svpwm.hpp"
template <
    class T_FOC_COM,
    class T_RATIO_16b
void hls_svpwm_duty_axi (
    hls::stream <T_FOC_COM>& strm_Va_cmd,
    hls::stream <T_FOC_COM>& strm_Vb_cmd,
    hls::stream <T_FOC_COM>& strm_Vc_cmd,
    hls::stream <T_FOC_COM>& strm_dc_link,
    hls::stream <T_RATIO_16b>& strm_duty_ratio_a,
    hls::stream <T_RATIO_16b>& strm_duty_ratio_b,
    hls::stream <T_RATIO_16b>& strm_duty_ratio_c,
    volatile int& pwm_args_dc_link_ref,
    volatile int& pwm_stt_cnt_iter,
    volatile int& pwm_args_dc_src_mode,
    volatile int& pwm_args_sample_ii,
    volatile long& pwm_args_cnt_trip,
    volatile int& pwm_stt_Va_cmd,
    volatile int& pwm_stt_Vb_cmd,
    volatile int& pwm_stt_Vc_cmd

hls_svpwm_duty: calculate the duty cycles from the input three-phase voltages.


T_FOC_COM The data type for input voltages
T_RATIO_16b The data type for output duty cycles
strm_Va_cmd in<strm>: Every pwm_args_sample_ii cycles, one output of FOC can be consumed.
strm_Vb_cmd in<strm>: Every pwm_args_sample_ii cycles, one output of FOC can be consumed.
strm_Vc_cmd in<strm>: Every pwm_args_sample_ii cycles, one output of FOC can be consumed.
strm_dc_link in<strm>: Every pwm_args_sample_ii cycles, one output of FOC can be consumed.
strm_duty_ratio_a out<strm>: the duty ratio of a, within every pwm cycle.
strm_duty_ratio_b out<strm>: the duty ratio of b, within every pwm cycle.
strm_duty_ratio_c out<strm>: the duty ratio of c, within every pwm cycle.
pwm_args_dc_link_ref in<reg>: Q15Q16 representation for dc_link_ref format, Eg. 0x180000: 24.00000(q15q16)
pwm_stt_cnt_iter out<reg>: constantly monitoring how many pwm command sent.
pwm_args_dc_src_mode in<reg>: 0 - PWM voltage reference based on ADC measured DC link; 1 - PWM voltage reference uses static register value.
pwm_args_sample_ii in<reg>: Sampling interval for more real co-sim.
pwm_args_cnt_trip in<reg>: Inner trip counter.
pwm_stt_Va_cmd out<reg>: contantly monitoring the Va_cmd inside the kernel calculate_ratios.
pwm_stt_Vb_cmd out<reg>: contantly monitoring the Vb_cmd inside the kernel calculate_ratios.
pwm_stt_Vc_cmd out<reg>: contantly monitoring the Vc_cmd inside the kernel calculate_ratios.


#include "svpwm.hpp"
template <class T_RATIO_16b>
void hls_pwm_gen_axi (
    hls::stream <T_RATIO_16b>& strm_duty_ratio_a,
    hls::stream <T_RATIO_16b>& strm_duty_ratio_b,
    hls::stream <T_RATIO_16b>& strm_duty_ratio_c,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <1>>& strm_h_a,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <1>>& strm_h_b,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <1>>& strm_h_c,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <1>>& strm_l_a,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <1>>& strm_l_b,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <1>>& strm_l_c,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <1>>& strm_sync_a,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <1>>& strm_sync_b,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <1>>& strm_sync_c,
    volatile int& pwm_args_pwm_freq,
    volatile int& pwm_args_dead_cycles,
    volatile int& pwm_args_phase_shift,
    volatile int& pwm_stt_pwm_cycle,
    volatile long& pwm_args_cnt_trip,
    volatile int& pwm_args_sample_ii,
    volatile int& pwm_stt_duty_ratio_a,
    volatile int& pwm_stt_duty_ratio_b,
    volatile int& pwm_stt_duty_ratio_c

hls_pwm_gen: generate the gating bitstream of each switch according to the duty cycles.


T_RATIO_16b The data type of input duty cycles.
strm_duty_ratio_a in<strm>: the duty ratio of switch bridge pair a, within every pwm cycle.
strm_duty_ratio_b in<strm>: the duty ratio of switch bridge pair b, within every pwm cycle.
strm_duty_ratio_c in<strm>: the duty ratio of switch bridge pair c, within every pwm cycle.
strm_h_a out<strm>: controls the gating of upper switch at bridge pair a.
strm_h_b out<strm>: controls the gating of upper switch at bridge pair b.
strm_h_c out<strm>: controls the gating of upper switch at bridge pair c.
strm_l_a out<strm>: controls the gating of lower switch at bridge pair a.
strm_l_b out<strm>: controls the gating of lower switch at bridge pair b.
strm_l_c out<strm>: controls the gating of lower switch at bridge pair c.
strm_sync_a out<strm>: send sync sampling signal to the ADC a.
strm_sync_b out<strm>: send sync sampling signal to the ADC b.
strm_sync_c out<strm>: send sync sampling signal to the ADC c.
pwm_args_pwm_freq in<reg>: pwm cycle, the value in test is 100,000 Hz.
pwm_args_dead_cycles in<reg>: dead cycle, the value in test is pwm_args_dead_cycles<10> cycles, with global clk freq 100MHz.
pwm_args_phase_shift in<reg>: 0 - No phase shift for output; 1 - 120 degree phase shift for output.
pwm_stt_pwm_cycle out<reg>: constantly monitoring the integer value of pwm_factor=COMM_CLOCK_FREQ/pwm_freq.
pwm_args_cnt_trip in<reg>: inner trip count.
pwm_args_sample_ii in<reg>: sampling the AXIS input at [-ii] rate.
pwm_stt_duty_ratio_a out<reg>: constantly monitoring the duty_ratio_a value.
pwm_stt_duty_ratio_b out<reg>: constantly monitoring the duty_ratio_b value.
pwm_stt_duty_ratio_c out<reg>: constantly monitoring the duty_ratio_c value.


#include "qei.hpp"
template <
    class T_bin,
    class T_err
void hls_qei_axi (
    hls::stream <T_bin>& strm_qei_A,
    hls::stream <T_bin>& strm_qei_B,
    hls::stream <T_bin>& strm_qei_I,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& strm_qei_RPM_THETA_m,
    hls::stream <T_bin>& strm_qei_dir,
    hls::stream <T_err>& strm_qei_err,
    volatile int& qei_args_cpr,
    volatile int& qei_args_ctrl,
    volatile int& qei_stts_RPM_THETA_m,
    volatile int& qei_stts_dir,
    volatile int& qei_stts_err,
    volatile long& qei_args_cnt_trip

Quadrature Encoder Interface(QEI) control demo top interface and paramters list.


T_bin The data type for ABI’s signals
T_err The data type for qei’s error status
strm_qei_A The input stream for A signals
strm_qei_B The input stream for B signals
strm_qei_I The input stream for I signals
strm_qei_RPM_THETA_m The output stream for rpm and theta_m
strm_qei_dir The output stream for direction value
strm_qei_err The output stream for error status value
qei_args_cpr Read for user setting or written back by kernel
qei_args_ctrl The lowest bit of this value indicates the encoding mode
qei_stts_RPM_THETA_m Rpm and theta_m written back by kernel on axi_lite port
qei_stts_dir Dir written back by kernel on axi_lite port
qei_stts_err Err written back by kernel on axi_lite port
qei_args_cnt_trip input of trip count