Executable Usage - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English
  • Work Directory(Step 1)

The steps for library download and environment setup can be found in l1_vitis_motorcontrol. For getting the design,

cd L1/tests/IP_FOC
  • Run and Build IP(Step 2)

Run the following make command to build your IP targeting a specific device. Please be noticed that this process will take a long time, maybe couple of minutes.

make run CSIM=1 CSYNTH=1 COSIM=1 XPART=xc7z010-clg400-1

Command will create IP*sim.project for simulation

make run VIVADO_SYN=1 VIVADO_IMPL=1 XPART=xc7z010-clg400-1

Command will create IP.project for export IP

Note: Default arguments are set in run_hls.tcl

  • Example output(Step 2)
SIM_FOC_M:********** Simulation parameters ************* Motor parameter ******************** Log files***************************************
SIM_FOC_M:  Timescale  :     10 (us)    |  motor.w     : 718.0615       (rad/s) |  Log of parameters : sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.para.foc
SIM_FOC_M:  Total step :   3000         |  motor.theta :  5.014019      (rad)   |  Log of FOC inputs : sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.in.foc
SIM_FOC_M:  Total time : 0.030000 (s)   |  motor.Id    : 0.334735       ( A )   |  Log of FOC outputs: sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.out.foc
SIM_FOC_M:  Inteval    :      3         |  motor.Iq    : 1.253668       ( A )
SIM_FOC_M:  FOC CPR    :   1000         |  FOC PPR:      2
SIM_FOC_M:************ PID Final Status *********
SIM_FOC_M:  SPEED SP   : 10000.0        |  FLUX SP: 0.0000                      |  TORQUE SP: 4.8000            |  FW SP: --
SIM_FOC_M:  SPEED KP   : 2.7000         |  FLUX KP: 1.0000                      |  TORQUE KP: 5.0000            |  FW KP: --
SIM_FOC_M:  SPEED KI   : 0.0033         |  FLUX KI: 0.0000                      |  TORQUE KI: 0.0033            |  FW KI: --
SIM_FOC_M:  SPEED ERR  : 3144.000       |  FLUX ERR:  -0.332                    |  TORQUE ERR:  3.5469  |  FW ERR: --
SIM_FOC_M:  SPEED ACC  : 23853.000      |  FLUX ACC: -862.297                   |  TORQUE ACC: 9952.8320        |  FW ACC: --

Note: The current test is a hybrid test of the 8 modes run serially. Each mode’s simulation parameter and Motor parameter is shown up. For example:

  • title of “simulation parameters” shows the setting for simulation. The first 3000 test steps use MOD_SPEED_WITH_TORQUE, Speed setpoint is 10000, as we could check the “motor parameter” motor.w=1030.652 (rad/s) is near the setting rpm 10000. (RPM = motor.w * 60 / (2 * pi) ).
  • title of “log files” shows the log files generate for this 3000 steps. They will be used as input and golden files for the file flow test, which better simulate the actual running. Then still apply MOD_SPEED_WITH_TORQUE for the next 3000 steps, Speed setpoint is -16000. That will run to another direction.

Now we firstly run Model Based Sim to get the input and output of FOC with Motor module, and save them to files. This sim will restart the FOC ip for every input.

Then we run File Based Sim to simulate the actually status when FOC IP is running. Benchmark system is shown by Figure 1:

Figure 1 : Benchmark system of field-orientated control(FOC)

Benchmark system of FOC

Motor speed in 8 modes in simulation is shown by Figure 2:

Figure 2 : Motor speed in 8 modes in simulation

Motor speed in 8 modes in simulation

The Motor Model parameters by default simulation and Derived Motor Configuration is setting in the commen.hpp, and are shown by table 1 and table 2:

Table 1 : Motor Model parameters by default

Motor parameters

Table 2 : Derived Motor Configuration

Derived Motor Configuration
  • Important: Change the sine and cosine tables in the file foc.h accordingly when changing this CPR(COMM_MACRO_CPR) in the commen.hpp .

Static Parameter of FOC in simulation

Static Parameter of IP

AXI-lite Parameter of FOC setting in simulation

AXI-lite Parameter of IP

Other AXI-lite Parameter is all setting to zero in the first mode in simulation.

File Based Simulation of FOC IP’s result is shown blow.

SIM_FOC_F:****Loading parameters and input from files ************************************************************************************
SIM_FOC_F:  parameters file is sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.para.foc, format:
SIM_FOC_F:  FOC inputs file is sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.in.foc, format: <float va> <float vb> <float vb> <theta_m, rpm> <int va> <int vb> <int vc>
SIM_FOC_F:  FOC output file is sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.out.foc, format: <float va> <float vb> <float vb> <theta_m, rpm> <int va> <int vb> <int vc>
SIM_FOC_F:  MODE      : 2
SIM_FOC_F:  FLUX_SP   : 0.000000
SIM_FOC_F:  FLUX_KP   : 1.000000
SIM_FOC_F:  FLUX_KI   : 0.000000
SIM_FOC_F:  TORQUE_SP : 4.799988
SIM_FOC_F:  TORQUE_KP : 5.000000
SIM_FOC_F:  TORQUE_KI : 0.003311
SIM_FOC_F:  SPEED_SP  : 10000.000000
SIM_FOC_F:  SPEED_KP  : 2.699997
SIM_FOC_F:  SPEED_KI  : 0.003311
SIM_FOC_F:  VD        : 0.000000
SIM_FOC_F:  VQ        : 15000.000000
SIM_FOC_F:  FW_KP     : 1.000000
SIM_FOC_F:  FW_KI     : 0.003311
SIM_FOC_F:  CNT_TRIP  : 3000
SIM_FOC_F: ***********   Comparison with golden file: ********
SIM_FOC_F:  Total step  :   3000
SIM_FOC_F:  Golden File : sim_torqueWithoutSpeed.out.foc
SIM_FOC_F:  Max Voltage : 24.000        100.00%
SIM_FOC_F:  threshold   : 1.200 5.00%
SIM_FOC_F:  Mean error  : 0.000 0.00%
SIM_FOC_F:  Max error   : 0.000 0.00%
SIM_FOC_F:  Min error   : 0.000 0.00%
SIM_FOC_F:  Total error :      0

MOD_MANUAL_TORQUE_FLUX_FIXED_SPEED is a MANUAL mode for an expert, at motor start in order to get the encoder in initial calibration and alignment prior to starting a closed loop control function. So we simulate this mode after STOP mode. If Fixperiod_args in AXI-lite is set to 1, it will be a fixed step size in every clk/(Fixperiod_args + 1).

After the conversion,

When clk equal 100M, Fixperiod_args is 1, Theriotical RPM will be 600000.

When clk equal 100M, Fixperiod_args is 3999, Theriotical RPM will be 300.

(II = 5, interval cycle = (FixedPeriod+1)*II), RPM = 60/(interval cycle/freq*CPR))

Note: Test summary all the result of 8 modes on the file flow.

SIM_FOC********************************************************** TEST SUMMARY ***********************************************************
SIM_FOC_M:  ------ Summary for Model-based simulation -----------------------------------------------------------
SIM_FOC_M:  Kernel sampling mode           : one calling one sample
SIM_FOC_M:  Simulation resolution          : 0.010000 (ms)
SIM_FOC_M:  Simulation total time          : 270.000000 (ms)
SIM_FOC_M:  Inteval for printing wave data : 3
SIM_FOC_M:  Wave data for all 9 phases test: sim_foc_ModelFoc.log
SIM_FOC_M:  Phase-1 generated files        : sim_torqueWithoutSpeed<.para.foc> <.in.foc> <.out.foc>
SIM_FOC_M:  Phase-2 generated files        : sim_rpm10k<.para.foc> <.in.foc> <.out.foc>
SIM_FOC_M:  Phase-3 generated files        : sim_rpm16k<.para.foc> <.in.foc> <.out.foc>
SIM_FOC_M:  Phase-4 generated files        : sim_rpm16k_weak<.para.foc> <.in.foc> <.out.foc>
SIM_FOC_M:  Phase-5 generated files        : sim_manualTorqueFlux<.para.foc> <.in.foc> <.out.foc>
SIM_FOC_M:  Phase-6 generated files        : sim_manualTorque<.para.foc> <.in.foc> <.out.foc>
SIM_FOC_M:  Phase-7 generated files        : sim_manualFlux<.para.foc> <.in.foc> <.out.foc>
SIM_FOC_M:  Phase-8 generated files        : sim_stop<.para.foc> <.in.foc> <.out.foc>
SIM_FOC_M:  Phase-9 generated files        : sim_manualTorqueFluxFixedSpeed1<.para.foc> <.in.foc> <.out.foc>
SIM_FOC_F:  ------ Summary for File-based simulation based on Model-based outputs -------------------------------
SIM_FOC_F:  Kernel sampling mode           : one calling multi-sample
SIM_FOC_F:  Phase-1: 0.000(ms) ~ 30.000(ms)      Mode: MOD_TORQUE_WITHOUT_SPEED           RPM: 10000     Sampling II: Depending on II after synthesis    Over threshold(1.20V): 0
SIM_FOC_F:  Phase-2: 30.000(ms) ~ 60.000(ms)     Mode: MOD_SPEED_WITH_TORQUE              RPM: 10000     Sampling II: Depending on II after synthesis    Over threshold(1.20V): 0
SIM_FOC_F:  Phase-3: 60.000(ms) ~ 90.000(ms)     Mode: MOD_SPEED_WITH_TORQUE              RPM: -16000    Sampling II: Depending on II after synthesis    Over threshold(1.20V): 0
SIM_FOC_F:  Phase-4: 90.000(ms) ~ 120.000(ms)    Mode: MOD_FLUX                           RPM: -16000    Sampling II: Depending on II after synthesis    Over threshold(1.20V): 0
SIM_FOC_F:  Phase-5: 120.000(ms) ~ 150.000(ms)   Mode: MOD_MANUAL_TORQUE_FLUX             RPM: -16000    Sampling II: Depending on II after synthesis    Over threshold(1.20V): 0
SIM_FOC_F:  Phase-6: 150.000(ms) ~ 180.000(ms)   Mode: MOD_MANUAL_TORQUE                  RPM: -16000    Sampling II: Depending on II after synthesis    Over threshold(1.20V): 0
SIM_FOC_F:  Phase-7: 180.000(ms) ~ 210.000(ms)   Mode: MOD_MANUAL_FLUX                    RPM: -16000    Sampling II: Depending on II after synthesis    Over threshold(1.20V): 0
SIM_FOC_F:  Phase-8: 210.000(ms) ~ 240.000(ms)   Mode: MOD_STOPPED                        RPM: -16000    Sampling II: Depending on II after synthesis    Over threshold(1.20V): 0
SIM_FOC_F:  Phase-9: 240.000(ms) ~ 270.000(ms)   Mode: MOD_MANUAL_TORQUE_FLUX_FIXED_SPEED RPM: -16000    Sampling II: Depending on II after synthesis    Over threshold(1.20V).

csim.exe [-dt <time scale in sec> ]      Simulation resolution
         [-pii <print interval>]         Wave data filesim_foc_ModelFoc.log sampling interval
         [-log <char*>]                  Setting log files prefix with surfix _ModelFoc.log
         [-range]                        Enable range tracing for internal varialbes in FOC
         [-cnt <Number of input>]        Number of sample for a mode

INFO [HLS SIM]: The maximum depth reached by any hls::stream() instance in the design is 3000
INFO: [SIM 211-1] CSim done with 0 errors.