Example Usage - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English

Please run the following codes to build the library (Do not forget to install XRT/XRM and setup the environment):

cd Vitis_Libraries/graph/L3/lib
make libgraphL3
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<PATH TO YOUR Vitis_Libraries/graph/L3/lib>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

To make use of the L3/APIs, please include Vitis_Libraries/graph/L3/include path and link Vitis_Libraries/graph/L3/lib path when compiling the code.

The following steps are usually required to make a call of the L3 APIs:

  1. Setup the handle
xf::graph::L3::Handle::singleOP op0;   // create a configuration of operation (such as shortest path, wcc)
op0.operationName = "shortestPathFloat";

xf::graph::L3::Handle handle0;
handle0.addOp(op0);  // initialize the Alveo board with the required operation, may have more than one kind of operation
handle0.setUp();     // Download binaries to FPGAs
  1. Setup and Deploy the Graph
xf::graph::Graph<uint32_t, DT> g("CSR", numVertices, numEdges, offsetsCSR, indicesCSR, weightsCSR); // Create the graph
(handle0.opsp)->loadGraph(g); // Deploy the graph data
  1. Run the required operation
auto ev = xf::graph::L3::shortestPath(handle0, nSource, &sourceID, weighted, g, result, pred); // Run the operation, this is a non-block call, actually start a thread
int ret = ev.wait(); // wait for the operation to finish
  1. Release resources
(handle0.opsp)->join(); // join the thread
handle0.free(); // release other memories
g.freeBuffers(); // release graph memories