namespace graph - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English
// namespaces

namespace xf::graph::enums
namespace xf::graph::internal
namespace xf::graph::internal::dense_similarity
namespace xf::graph::internal::general_similarity
namespace xf::graph::internal::sort_top_k
namespace xf::graph::internal::sparse_similarity


#include "similarity/dense_similarity.hpp"
template <
    int CHNM,
    int PU,
    int WData,
    int RAM_SZ,
void denseSimilarity (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& config,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData>>& sourceWeight,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> strmIn0 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> strmIn1 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> strmIn2 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> strmIn3 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData>>& rowID,
    hls::stream <float>& similarity,
    hls::stream <bool>& strmOutEnd

similarity function for dense graph. It support both Jaccard and Cosine Similarity.


CHNM the channel number of input data
PU the number of processing unit
WData the width of input data
RAM_SZ the log size of internal URAM
EN_FLOAT_POINT if it is true, the primitive will support both float and int type of input. Otherwise, it only support int. Multiple channel of float input should be compacted as type of ap_uint.
config the control parameter of the primitive which contains: sourceNUM, similarityType, dataType, startID, rowNUM and colNUM of each processing unit(PU)
sourceWeight input weight as source for computing similarity
strmIn0 input muti-channel data stream for PU0
strmIn1 input muti-channel data stream for PU1
strmIn2 input muti-channel data stream for PU2
strmIn3 input muti-channel data stream for PU3
rowID output result ID stream
similarity output similarity value corresponding to its ID
strmOutEnd end flag stream for output


#include "similarity/dense_similarity_int.hpp"
template <
    int CHNM,
    int PU,
    int WData,
    int RAM_SZ,
void denseSimilarity (
    hls::stream <ap_int <32>>& config,
    hls::stream <ap_int <WData>>& sourceWeight,
    hls::stream <ap_int <WData*CHNM>> strmIn0 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_int <WData*CHNM>> strmIn1 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_int <WData*CHNM>> strmIn2 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_int <WData*CHNM>> strmIn3 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_int <WData>>& rowID,
    hls::stream <float>& similarity,
    hls::stream <bool>& strmOutEnd

similarity function for dense graph. It support both Jaccard and Cosine Similarity.


CHNM the channel number of input data
PU the number of processing unit
WData the width of input data
RAM_SZ the log size of internal URAM
config the control parameter of the primitive which contains: sourceNUM, similarityType, dataType, startID, rowNUM and colNUM of each processing unit(PU)
sourceWeight input weight as source for computing similarity
strmIn0 input muti-channel data stream for PU0
strmIn1 input muti-channel data stream for PU1
strmIn2 input muti-channel data stream for PU2
strmIn3 input muti-channel data stream for PU3
rowID output result ID stream
similarity output similarity value corresponding to its ID
strmOutEnd end flag stream for output


#include "similarity/general_similarity.hpp"
template <
    int CHNM,
    int PU,
    int WData,
    int RAM_SZ,
void generalSimilarity (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& config,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData>>& sourceIndice,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData>>& sourceWeight,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> strmIn0 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> strmIn1 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> strmIn2 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> strmIn3 [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData>>& rowID,
    hls::stream <float>& similarity,
    hls::stream <bool>& strmOutEnd

similarity function which support both dense and sparse graph. It also support both Jaccard and Cosine Similarity.


CHNM the channel number of input data
PU the number of processing unit
WData the width of input data
RAM_SZ the log size of internal URAM
EN_FLOAT_POINT if it is true, the primitive will support both float and int type of input. Otherwise, it only support int. Multiple channel of float input should be compacted as type of ap_uint.
config the control parameter of the primitive which contains: sourceNUM, similarityType, graphType, dataType, startID, rowNUM and colNUM of each processing unit(PU)
sourceIndice input indice as source for computing similarity
sourceWeight input weight as source for computing similarity
strmIn0 input muti-channel data stream for PU0
strmIn1 input muti-channel data stream for PU1
strmIn2 input muti-channel data stream for PU2
strmIn3 input muti-channel data stream for PU3
rowID output result ID stream
similarity output similarity value corresponding to its ID
strmOutEnd end flag stream for output


#include "similarity/sort_top_k.hpp"
template <
    typename KEY_TYPE,
    typename DATA_TYPE,
void sortTopK (
    hls::stream <DATA_TYPE>& dinStrm,
    hls::stream <KEY_TYPE>& kinStrm,
    hls::stream <bool>& endInStrm,
    hls::stream <DATA_TYPE>& doutStrm,
    hls::stream <KEY_TYPE>& koutStrm,
    hls::stream <bool>& endOutStrm,
    int k,
    bool order

sort top k function.


KEY_TYPE the input and output key type
DATA_TYPE the input and output data type
MAX_SORT_NUMBER the max number of the sequence can be sorted
dinStrm input data stream
kinStrm input key stream
endInStrm end flag stream for input
doutStrm output data stream
koutStrm output key stream
endOutStrm end flag stream for output
number of top K
order 1:sort ascending 0:sort descending


#include "similarity/sparse_similarity.hpp"
template <
    int CHNM,
    int PU,
    int WData,
    int RAM_SZ,
void sparseSimilarity (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& config,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData>>& sourceIndice,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData>>& sourceWeight,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> offsetCSR [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> indiceCSR [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData*CHNM>> weight [PU],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <WData>>& rowID,
    hls::stream <float>& similarity,
    hls::stream <bool>& strmOutEnd

similarity function for sparse graph. It support both Jaccard and Cosine Similarity.


CHNM the channel number of input data
PU the number of processing unit
WData the width of input data
RAM_SZ the log size of internal URAM
EN_FLOAT_POINT if it is true, the primitive will support both float and int type of input. Otherwise, it only support int. Multiple channel of float input should be compacted as type of ap_uint.
config the control parameter of the primitive which contains: sourceNUM, similarityType, dataType, startID, rowNUM and colNUM of each processing unit(PU)
sourceIndice input indice as source vertex for computing similarity
sourceWeight input weight as source vertex for computing similarity
offsetCSR input muti-channel offset stream
indiceCSR input muti-channel indice stream
weight input muti-channel weight stream
rowID output result ID stream
similarity output similarity value corresponding to its ID
strmOutEnd end flag stream for output