L2 FIR configuration parameters - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English

The list below consists of configurable parameters for FIR library elements with their default values.

Table 62 L2 FIR configuration parameters
Name Type Default Description
DATA_TYPE typename cint16 Data Type.
COEFF_TYPE typename int16 Coefficient Type.
FIR_LEN unsigned 81 FIR length.
SHIFT unsigned 16 Acc results shift down value.
ROUND_MODE unsigned 0 Rounding mode.
INPUT_WINDOW_VSIZE unsigned 512 Input window size.
CASC_LEN unsigned 1 Cascade length.
INTERPOLATE_FACTOR unsigned 1 Interpolation factor, see note below
DECIMATE_FACTOR unsigned 1 Decimation factor, see note below
DUAL_IP unsigned 0 Dual inputs used in FIRs, see note below
NUM_OUTPUTS unsigned 1 Number of output ports.
USE_COEFF_RELOAD unsigned 0 Use 2 sets of reloadable coefficients, where the second set deliberately corrupts a single, randomly selected coefficient.
PORT_API unsigned 0

Graph’s port API.

0 - window

1 - stream

UUT_SSR unsigned 1 Super Sample Rate SSR parameter. Defaults to 1. see note below
NITER unsigned 16 Number of iterations to execute.
DIFF_TOLERANCE unsigned 0 Tolerance value when comparing output sample with reference model, e.g. 0.0025 for floats and cfloats.
GEN_INPUT_DATA bool true

Generate input data samples.

When true, generate stimulus data as defined in: DATA_STIM_TYPE.

When false, use the input file defined in: INPUT_FILE

GEN_COEFF_DATA bool true

Generate random coefficients.

When true, generate stimulus data as defined in: COEFF_STIM_TYPE.

When false, use the coefficient file defined in: COEFF_FILE

DATA_STIM_TYPE unsigned 0

Supported types:

0 - random

3 - impulse

4 - all ones

5 - incrementing pattern

6 - sym incrementing pattern

8 - sine wave

COEFF_STIM_TYPE unsigned 0

Supported types:

0 - random

3 - impulse

4 - all ones

5 - incrementing pattern

6 - sym incrementing pattern

8 - sine wave

INPUT_FILE string data/input.txt

Input data samples file.

Only used when GEN_INPUT_DATA=false.

COEFF_FILE string data/coeff.txt

Coefficient data file.

Only used when GEN_COEFF_DATA=false.

USE_CHAIN unsigned 0

Connect 2 FIRs back-to-back.

0 - connect single FIR

1 - connect second FIR back-to-back. In/Out interfaces must be compatible.


Overwrite default or non-existent.

0 - no action

1 - use Graph’s access functions to set a location and overwrite a fifo_depth constraint. see also Constraints


The above configurable parameters range may exceed a library element’s maximum supported range, in which case the compilation will end with a static_assert error informing about the exceeded range.


Not all dsplib elements support all of the above configurable parameters. Unsupported parameters which are not used have no impact on execution, e.g., parameter INTERPOLATE_FACTOR is only supported by interpolation filters and will be ignored by other library elements.