For the FFT Window library element the list of configurable parameters and default values is presented below.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
DATA_TYPE | typename | cint16 | Data Type. |
TWIDDLE_TYPE | typename | cint16 | Twiddle Type. |
POINT_SIZE | unsigned | 1024 | FFT point size. |
SHIFT | unsigned | 17 | Acc results shift down value. |
WINDOW_VSIZE | unsigned | 1024 | Input/Output window size. By default, set to: $(POINT_SIZE). |
DYN_PT_SIZE | unsigned | 0 | Enable (1) Dynamic Point size feature. |
API_IO | unsigned | 0 | Graph’s port API. 0 - window 1 - stream |
WINDOW_CHOICE | unsigned | 0 | Supported types: 0 - Hamming 1 - Hann 2 - Blackman 3 - Kaiser |
NITER | unsigned | 4 | Number of iterations to execute. |
DIFF_TOLERANCE | unsigned | 0 | Tolerance value when comparing output sample with reference model, e.g. 0.0025 for floats and cfloats. |
The above configurable parameters range may exceed a library element’s maximum supported range, in which case the compilation will end with a static_assert error informing about the exceeded range.