Benchmark - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English


There are two tables, named Lineitem and Orders, which are filled with random data.


For representing the resource utilization in each benchmark, we separate the overall utilization into 2 parts, where P stands for the resource usage in platform, that is those instantiated in static region of the FPGA card, as well as K represents those used in kernels (dynamic region). The target device is set to Alveo U280.

Table 29 Table 1 Performance on FPGA
Architecture Dataset Latency(ms) Timing LUT(P/K) BRAM(P/K) URAM(P/K) DSP(P/K)
Compound Sort (U280) Orders 131072 rows 1.130 287MHz 142.0K/62.7K 285/18 0/16 7/0
Hash Anti-Join (U280) Lineitem 6001215 rows Orders 227597 rows 342.568 250MHz 130.4K/134.6K 204/291 0/192 4/99
Hash Group Aggregate (U280) Lineitem 6000000 rows 34.702 200MHz 203.0K/184.1K 427/207 0/256 10/0
Hash Join V2 (U280) Lineitem 6001215 rows Orders 227597 rows 55.95 282MHz 122.1K/63.7K 202/98 0/64 4/3
Hash Join V3 (U280) Lineitem 6001215 rows Orders 227597 rows 65.26 240MHz 197.0K/128.2K 359/239 0/192 10/99
Hash Join V4 (U280) Lineitem 6001215 rows Orders 227597 rows 1354.795 240MHz 201.5/110.1K 359/187 0/256 10/19
Hash Multi-Join (U280) Lineitem 6001215 rows Orders 1500000 rows 76.899 200MHz 130.6K/133.4K 204/271 0/192 4/99
Hash Semi-Join (U280) Lineitem 6001215 rows Orders 1500000 rows 18.914 274MHz 124.0K/67.6K 202/120 0/64 4/3

These are details for benchmark result and usage steps.

Test Overview

Here are benchmarks of the Vitis Database Library using the Vitis environment.

  • Download code

These database benchmarks can be downloaded from vitis libraries main branch.

git clone
cd Vitis_Libraries
git checkout main
cd database
  • Setup environment

Specifying the corresponding Vitis, XRT, and path to the platform repository by running following commands.

source <intstall_path>/
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/
export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms