All Data-Mover designs are “codeless” that user need to create the OpenCL kernels by simply calling the Kernel Generator with a JSON description and ROM content (if needed) as text file.
Kernel Generator consists of:
- Kernel templates (in Jinja2), which can be instantiated through configurations from JSON
- Data converter to transform the user provided texture ROM content into usable initialization file
- Python script to automate the kernel generation from JSON to HLS C++ OpenCL kernel, which is
Generated kernels are not self-contained source code, they would reference low-level block implementation headers in L1/include
Ensure that folder is passed to Vitis compiler as header search path when compiling project using generated PL kernels.
AIE application often need to deal with multi-dimension data. The mostly common cases are that AIE application need to select and read/write a regularly distributed sub-set from multi-dimensional array. Because multi-dimension array has to be stored in linear addressing memory space, such sub-set is rarely a contiguous block in memory but always a lot of data segment. It’s not convenient for user to implement logic to calculate all segments’ address and size and not efficient for AIE to do so.
Programmable 4D Data-Mover includes:
- Concise descriptor design that use 9x64bits to fully describe access on 4-dimension (and low-dimension) data.
- Template kernel design that can read multiple descriptor and accomplish the defined access pattern one by one.
Descriptor Design
Descriptor design is the most important part of Programmable 4D Data-Mover. It defines:
- How 4-dimension data mapped to linear address
- Where to find the sub-set to access
- What’s the dimension of sub-set
- How to serialize the sub-set
To store 4D array A[W][Z][Y][X]
in memory, it has to be mapped into linear address space which will certainly lead to addressing like &A[w][z][y][x] = bias + w * (Z*Y*X) + z * (Y*X) + y * (X) + x
. In such condition, adjacent elements in 4D array will have const strid. Then 9 parameters { bias (address of first element), X, X_stride, Y, Y_stride, Z, Z_stride, W, W_stride } will be enough to define the 4D array in memory.
- &A[w][z][y][x+1] – &A[w][z][y][x] = 1 (X_stride)
- &A[w][z][y+1][x] – &A[w][z][y][x] = X (Y_stride)
- &A[w][z+1][y][x] – &A[w][z][y][x] = X * Y (Z_stride)
- &A[w+1][z][y][x] – &A[w][z][y][x] = X * Y * Z (W_stride)
Since Programmable 4D Data Mover need to write to / read from AXI stream, it also needs to define how to serialize 4D array.
We define ap_int<64> cfg[9]
as descriptor to define one access:
- cfg[0]: bias (address of 4D array’s first element in memory)
- cfg[1], cfg[2]: stride of first accessed dimension, size of first accessed dimension
- cfg[3], cfg[4]: stride of second accessed dimension, size of second accessed dimension
- cfg[5], cfg[6]: stride of third accessed dimension, size of third accessed dimension
- cfg[7], cfg[8]: stride of fourth accessed dimension, size of fourth accessed dimension
With the descriptor above, Programmable 4D Data Mover will serialize the read/write as pseudo-code below (take read as example):
Programmable 4D Data Mover will load one or multiple descriptors from a descriptor buffer.
The descriptor buffer begins with a 64bits num
which indicate how many descriptors are there in the buffer.
Then num
will be followed by one or multiple 9x64bits descriptors, all compact stored.
It will start parsing the first descriptor, finish the access, then parse and finish the next descriptor.
It will keep the processing until it finishes all descriptors.
for(ap_int<64> d4 = 0; d4 < cfg[8]; d4++) { for(ap_int<64> d3 = 0; d3 < cfg[6]; d3++) { for(ap_int<64> d2 = 0; d2 < cfg[4]; d2++) { for(ap_int<64> d1 = 0; d1 < cfg[2]; d1++) { elem_address = cfg[0] + d4 * cfg[7] + d3 * cfg[5] + d2 * cfg[3] + d1 * cfg[1]; data_to_be_read = data[elem_address]; } } } }
Kernel Design
Programmable 4D Data Movers are templated design to access elements of 32 / 64 / 128 / 256 / 512 bits width. They have standalone AXI master port to access descriptor buffer. AXI master to access descriptors are configured to be 64 bits wide. Other AXI master and AXI stream port are configured to be same width of data elements. AXI master ports share the same “latency” “outstanding” “burst length” setup, and they should be the same with the pragma setup in kernels that wrap up the data mover. They share the same kernel generator and JSON spec, please take reference from example below.
Programmable 4D Data Mover’s performance depends on:
- Compile time: data width, larger data width, larger bandwidth.
- Run time: cfg[1] of each descriptor. When cfg[1] = 1, it will lead to burst access and bandwidth will be nice, otherwise it will lead to non-burst access and bandwidth won’t be as good as burst access.
Build Time Configuration
Example Kernel Specification (JSON)
The following kernel specification in JSON describes a 4DCuboidRead
kernel and a 4DCuboidWrite
The 4DCuboidRead
kernel should have 2 data paths as we can see that there are 2 specifications in map
Let’s take the first data path for example, it will use AXI-M port din_0
to read 4D array and AXI-M desp_0
to access descriptor buffer.
Both AXI-M ports have “latency”, “outstanding” and “burst_len” setup in their HLS kernel pragma. Its output port is AXI-stream dout_0
and both din_0
and dout_0
’s port width are 64.
The 4DCuboidWrite
kernel should have 2 data paths as we can see that there are 2 specifications in map
Let’s take the first data path for example, it will use AXI-stream port din_0
to read 4D array and AXI-M desp_0
to access descriptor buffer.
It will use AXI-M port dout_0
for output. Both AXI-M ports have “latency”, “outstanding” and “burst_len” setup in their HLS kernel pragma. Both din_0
and dout_0
’s port width are 64.
{ "cuboid_read": { "impl": "4DCuboidRead", "map": [ { "in_port": { "buffer": "din_0", "descriptors": "desp_0", "latency": 32, "outstanding": 32, "burst_len": 32 }, "out_port": { "stream": "dout_0", "width": 64 } }, { "in_port": { "buffer": "din_1", "descriptors": "desp_1", "latency": 32, "outstanding": 32, "burst_len": 32 }, "out_port": { "stream": "dout_1", "width": 64 } } ] }, "cuboid_write": { "impl": "4DCuboidWrite", "map": [ { "in_port": { "stream": "din_0", "descriptors": "desp_0", "width": 64 }, "out_port": { "buffer": "dout_0", "latency": 32, "outstanding": 32, "burst_len": 32 } }, { "in_port": { "stream": "din_1", "descriptors": "desp_1", "width": 64 }, "out_port": { "buffer": "dout_1", "latency": 32, "outstanding": 32, "burst_len": 32 } } ] } }
Example of How to generate kernels
cd L2/tests/datamover/4D_datamover make pre_build # The pre_build command is as follows: # pre_build: # make -f $(CUR_DIR)/ GENKERNEL=$(XFLIB_DIR)/L2/scripts/generate_kernels SPEC=$(CUR_DIR)/kernel/spec.json TOOLDIR=$(CUR_DIR)/_krnlgen
Example of How to run hardware emulation of hardware
cd L2/tests/datamover/4D_datamover source /opt/xilinx/Vitis/2022.2/ source /opt/xilinx/xrt/ export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms make run TARGET=hw PLATFORM=${PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS}/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1.xpfm
Run Time Configuration
Programmable 4D Data-Mover will read multiple descriptors from descriptor buffer which can be configed from host side in run-time.
Descriptor buffer is compacted store in memory and start with 1x64bit num
that indicate how many descriptors are there in the buffer.
Then num
is followed by one or multiple descriptors.
Here’s examples of descriptor buffer and corresponding patterns.
The underlying array is a 3D array (due to difficulties to draw a actual 4D array): A[10][7][8]
which could be treated as A[1][10][7][8]
Its first element’s address is 0, which means ‘bias’ = 0. Its size means that W = 1, Z = 10, Y = 7, X = 8.
We can assume that its mapping lead to W_stride = 0 (), Z_stride = 56, Y_stride = 8, X_stride = 1.
{4, 0, 1, 8, 8, 7, 56, 10, 0, 1, 0, 8, 7, 1, 8, 56, 10, 0, 1, 0, 56, 10, 8, 7, 1, 8, 0, 1, 4, 1, 4, 8, 3, 56, 2, 0, 1}
The first number in buffer is 4
which means there are 4 descriptors followed.
Their implied pattern are as below:
Descriptor[0]: {0, 1, 8, 8, 7, 56, 10, 0, 1}. The implied pattern is:
for(ap_int<64> d4 = 0; d4 < 1; d4++) { // cfg[8] = 1 for(ap_int<64> d3 = 0; d3 < 10; d3++) { // cfg[6] = 10 for(ap_int<64> d2 = 0; d2 < 7; d2++) { // cfg[4] = 7 for(ap_int<64> d1 = 0; d1 < 8; d1++) { // cfg[2] = 8 // cfg[7] = 0, cfg[5] = 56, cfg[3] = 8, cfg[1] = 1, cfg[0] = 0 elem_address = d4 * 0 + d3 * 56 + d2 * 8 + d1 * 1 + 0; data_to_be_read = data[elem_address]; } } } }
Descriptor[1]: {0, 8, 7, 1, 8, 56, 10, 0, 1}. The implied pattern is:
for(ap_int<64> d4 = 0; d4 < 1; d4++) { // cfg[8] = 1 for(ap_int<64> d3 = 0; d3 < 10; d3++) { // cfg[6] = 10 for(ap_int<64> d2 = 0; d2 < 8; d2++) { // cfg[4] = 8 for(ap_int<64> d1 = 0; d1 < 7; d1++) { // cfg[2] = 7 // cfg[7] = 0, cfg[5] = 56, cfg[3] = 1, cfg[1] = 8, cfg[0] = 0 elem_address = d4 * 0 + d3 * 56 + d2 * 1 + d1 * 8 + 0; data_to_be_read = data[elem_address]; } } } }
Descriptor[2]: {0, 56, 10, 8, 7, 1, 8, 0, 1}. The implied pattern is:
for(ap_int<64> d4 = 0; d4 < 1; d4++) { // cfg[8] = 1 for(ap_int<64> d3 = 0; d3 < 8; d3++) { // cfg[6] = 8 for(ap_int<64> d2 = 0; d2 < 7; d2++) { // cfg[4] = 7 for(ap_int<64> d1 = 0; d1 < 10; d1++) { // cfg[2] = 10 // cfg[7] = 0, cfg[5] = 1, cfg[3] = 8, cfg[1] = 56, cfg[0] = 0 elem_address = d4 * 0 + d3 * 1 + d2 * 8 + d1 * 56 + 0; data_to_be_read = data[elem_address]; } } } }
Descriptor[3]: {4, 1, 4, 8, 3, 56, 2, 0, 1}. The implied pattern is:
for(ap_int<64> d4 = 0; d4 < 1; d4++) { // cfg[8] = 1 for(ap_int<64> d3 = 0; d3 < 2; d3++) { // cfg[6] = 2 for(ap_int<64> d2 = 0; d2 < 3; d2++) { // cfg[4] = 3 for(ap_int<64> d1 = 0; d1 < 4; d1++) { // cfg[2] = 4 // cfg[7] = 0, cfg[5] = 56, cfg[3] = 8, cfg[1] = 1, cfg[0] = 4 elem_address = d4 * 0 + d3 * 56 + d2 * 8 + d1 * 1 + 4; data_to_be_read = data[elem_address]; } } } }