Performance Data - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English
Topic Kernel Throughput
Decompression 658.86 MB/s
[*]Decompression uses feasibile options (Bitwidth: 32bit, Window Size: 32KB)

Executable Usage:

  1. To execute single file for decompression : ./build_dir.<TARGET mode>.<xsa_name>/xil_zlib -dx ./build_dir.<TARGET mode>.<xsa_name>/compress_decompress.xclbin -d <compressed file_name>

  2. To decompress multiple files : ./build_dir.<TARGET mode>.<xsa_name>/xil_zlib -dx ./build_dir.<TARGET mode>.<xsa_name>/compress_decompress.xclbin -l <files.list>

    • <files.list>: Contains various file names with current path

The usage of the generated executable is as follows:

Usage: application.exe -[-h-d-sx-l]
     --help,                 -h      Print Help Options   Default: [false]
     --decompress,           -d      Decompress
     --decompress_xclbin,    -dx     Decompress XCLBIN
     --file_list,            -l      List of Input Files