2.3 Using Python APIs - 2023.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.1 English

Please refer to L3/src/sw/python_api/test_gemm.py for using Python APIs to test gemm. To run that case in hw, use the following steps - Build shared library - set PYTHONPATH - find the path to the xclbin and run the command

source /opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
cd L3/src/sw/python_api/
make api
export PYTHONPATH=./:../../../../L1/tests/sw/python/
python test_gemm.py  --xclbin PATH_TO_GEMM_XCLBIN/blas.xclbin --cfg PATH_TO_GEMM_XCLBIN/config_info.dat --lib ./lib/xfblas.so