To build and run the kernel in software emulation mode, please run the following bash command:
make run TARGET=sw_emu
It will build an xclbin file to be used in software emulation mode only and launch an emulation run. Once the emulation finishes, you should get a console output similar to the one below. The output given below is for random input image case:
Xilinx 2D Filter Example Application (Randomized Input Version)
FPGA binary : ./fpgabinary.sw_emu.xclbin
Number of runs : 1
Image width : 1920
Image height : 1080
Filter type : 5
Max requests : 12
Compare perf. : 1
Programming FPGA device
Generating a random 1920x1080 input image
Running FPGA accelerator on 1 images
finished Filter2DRequest
finished Filter2DRequest
finished Filter2DRequest
Running Software version
Comparing results
Test PASSED: Output matches reference
If the input image is to be used for processing, please set OpenCV paths and INPUT_TYPE as an empty string in
file and run it again. Following is the expected console output:
Xilinx 2D Filter Example Application
FPGA binary : ./fpgabinary.sw_emu.xclbin
Input image : ../test_images/picadilly_1080p.bmp
Number of runs : 1
Filter type : 3
Max requests : 12
Compare perf. : 1
Programming FPGA device
Running FPGA accelerator on 1 images
finished Filter2DRequest
finished Filter2DRequest
finished Filter2DRequest
Running Software version
Comparing results
Test PASSED: Output matches reference
The input and the output images are shown below for filter type selection set to 3 which performs edge detection: