Primitive: Input SERial/DESerializer with Bitslip
The ISERDESE2 in 7 series FPGAs is a dedicated serial-to-parallel converter with specific clocking and logic features designed to facilitate the implementation of high-speed source-synchronous applications. The ISERDESE2 avoids the additional timing complexities encountered when designing deserializers in the FPGA fabric. ISERDESE2 features include:
- Dedicated Deserializer/Serial-to-Parallel Converter, which enables high-speed data transfer without requiring the FPGA fabric to match the input data frequency. This converter supports both single data rate (SDR) and double data rate (DDR) modes. In SDR mode, the serial-to-parallel converter creates a 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-bit wide parallel word. In DDR mode, the serial-to-parallel converter creates a 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-, or 14-bit-wide parallel word.
- Bitslip Submodule, which lets designers reorder the sequence of the parallel data stream going into the FPGA fabric. This can be used for training source-synchronous interfaces that include a training pattern.
- Dedicated Support for Strobe-based Memory Interfaces, including the OCLK input pin, to handle the strobe-to-FPGA clock domain crossover entirely within the ISERDESE2 block. This allows for higher performance and a simplified implementation.
- Dedicated Support for Networking Interfaces
- Dedicated Support for Memory Interfaces
Port Descriptions
Port | Direction | Width | Function |
BITSLIP | Input | 1 | The BITSLIP pin performs a Bitslip operation synchronous to CLKDIV when asserted (active-High). Subsequently, the data seen on the Q1 to Q8 output ports will shift, as in a barrel-shifter operation, one position every time Bitslip is invoked (DDR operation is different from SDR). |
CE1, CE2 | Input | 1 | Each ISERDESE2 block contains an input clock enable module.
CLK | Input | 1 | The high-speed clock input (CLK) is used to clock in the input serial data stream. |
CLKB | Input | 1 | The high-speed secondary clock input (CLKB) is used to clock in the input serial data stream. In any mode other than "MEMORY_QDR", connect CLKB to an inverted version of CLK. In "MEMORY_QDR" mode CLKB should be connected to a unique, phase shifted clock. |
CLKDIV | Input | 1 | The divided clock input (CLKDIV) is typically a divided version of CLK (depending on the width of the implemented deserialization). It drives the output of the serial-to-parallel converter, the Bitslip submodule, and the CE module. |
CLKDIVP | Input | 1 | Only supported in MIG. Sourced by PHASER_IN divided CLK in MEMORY_DDR3 mode. All other modes connect to ground. |
D | Input | 1 | The serial input data port (D) is the serial (high-speed) data input port of the ISERDESE2. This port works in conjunction only with the 7 series FPGA I/O resource. |
DDLY | Input | 1 | The serial input data port (DDLY) is the serial (high-speed) data input port of the ISERDESE2. This port works in conjunction only with the 7 series FPGA IDELAYE2 resource. |
DYNCLKDIVSEL | Input | 1 | Dynamically select CLKDIV inversion. |
DYNCLKSEL | Input | 1 | Dynamically select CLK and CLKB inversion. |
O | Output | 1 | The combinatorial output port (O) is an unregistered output of the ISERDESE2 module. This output can come directly from the data input (D), or from the data input (DDLY) via the IDELAYE2. |
OCLK | Input | 1 | The OCLK clock input synchronizes data transfer in strobe-based memory interfaces. The OCLK clock is only used when INTERFACE_TYPE is set to "MEMORY". The OCLK clock input is used to transfer strobe-based memory data onto a free-running clock domain. OCLK is a free-running FPGA clock at the same frequency as the strobe on the CLK input. The timing of the domain transfer is set by the user by adjusting the delay of the strobe signal to the CLK input (e.g., using IDELAY). Examples of setting the timing of this domain transfer are given in the Memory Interface Generator (MIG). When INTERFACE_TYPE is "NETWORKING", this port is unused and should be connected to GND. |
OCLKB | Input | 1 | The OCLK clock input synchronizes data transfer in strobe-based memory interfaces. The OCLKB clock is only used when INTERFACE_TYPE is set to "MEMORY". |
OFB | Input | 1 | The serial input data port (OFB) is the serial (high-speed) data input port of the ISERDESE2. This port works in conjunction only with the 7 series FPGA OSERDESE2 port OFB. |
Q1 - Q8 | Output | 1 | The output ports Q1 to Q8 are the registered outputs of the ISERDESE2 module. One ISERDESE2 block can support up to eight bits (i.e., a 1:8 deserialization). Bit widths greater than eight (up to 14) can be supported using Width Expansion. The first data bit received appears on the highest order Q output. The bit ordering at the input of an OSERDESE2 is the opposite of the bit ordering at the output of an ISERDESE2 block. For example, the least significant bit A of the word FEDCBA is placed at the D1 input of an OSERDESE2, but the same bit A emerges from the ISERDESE2 block at the Q8 output. In other words, D1 is the least significant input to the OSERDESE2, while Q8 is the least significant output of the ISERDESE2 block. When width expansion is used, D1 of the master OSERDESE2 is the least significant input, while Q7 of the slave ISERDESE2 block is the least significant output. |
RST | Input | 1 | The reset input causes the outputs of all data flip-flops in the CLK and CLKDIV domains to be driven low asynchronously. ISERDESE2 circuits running in the CLK domain where timing is critical use an internal, dedicated circuit to retime the RST input to produce a reset signal synchronous to the CLK domain. Similarly, there is a dedicated circuit to retime the RST input to produce a reset signal synchronous to the CLKDIV domain. Because the ISERDESE2 is driven into reset asynchronously but comes out of reset synchronously it must be treated as a synchronous reset to the CLKDIV time domain and have a minimum pulse of one CLKDIV cycle. When building an interface consisting of multiple ISERDESE2 ports, all ISERDESE2 ports in the interface must be synchronized. The internal retiming of the RST input is designed so that all ISERDESE2 blocks that receive the same reset pulse come out of reset synchronized with one another. |
SHIFTIN1, SHIFTIN2 | Input | 1 | If SERDES_MODE="SLAVE", connect SHIFTIN1/2 to the master ISERDESE2 SHIFTOUT1/2 outputs. Otherwise, leave SHIFTOUT1/2 unconnected and/or SHIFTIN1/2 grounded. |
SHIFTOUT1, SHIFTOUT2 | Output | 1 | If SERDES_MODE="MASTER" and two ISERDESE2s are to be cascaded, connect SHIFTOUT1/2 to the slave ISERDESE2 SHIFTIN1/2 inputs. |
Design Entry Method
Instantiation | Yes |
Inference | No |
IP Catalog | Yes |
Macro support | No |
Available Attributes
Attribute | Type | Allowed Values | Default | Description |
DATA_RATE | STRING | "DDR", "SDR" | "DDR" | The DATA_RATE attribute defines whether the incoming data stream is processed as single data rate (SDR) or double data rate (DDR). |
DATA_WIDTH | DECIMAL | 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14 | 4 | Defines the width of the serial-to-parallel converter. The
legal value depends on the DATA_RATE attribute (SDR or DDR).
DYN_CLKDIV_INV _EN | STRING | "FALSE", "TRUE" | "FALSE" | Enables DYNCLKDIVINVSEL inversion when “TRUE” and disables HDL inversions on CLKDIV pin. |
DYN_CLK_INV_EN | STRING | "FALSE", "TRUE" | "FALSE" | Enables DYNCLKINVSEL inversion when “TRUE” and disables HDL inversions on CLK and CLKB pins. |
INIT_Q1, INIT_Q2, INIT_Q3, INIT_Q4 | BINARY | 1'b0 to 1'b1 | 1'b0 | Specifies the initial value on the Q1 through Q4 outputs after configuration. |
INTERFACE_TYPE | STRING | "MEMORY", "MEMORY_DDR3", "MEMORY_QDR", "NETWORKING", "OVERSAMPLE" | "MEMORY" | Specifies the mode of operation for the ISERDESE2. For details on each mode, please refer to the 7 series FPGA SelectIO Resources User Guide. |
IOBDELAY | STRING | "NONE", "BOTH", "IBUF", "IFD" | "NONE" | Specifies the input sources for the ISERDESE2 module. The D
and DDLY pins are dedicated inputs to the ISERDESE2. The D input is
a direct connection to the I/O. The DDLY pin is a direct connection
to the IODELAYE2. This allows the user to either have a delayed or
non-delayed version of the input to the registered (Q1- Q6) or combinatorial
path (O) output. The attribute IOBDELAY determines the input applied
the output.
NUM_CE | DECIMAL | 2, 1 | 2 | The NUM_CE attribute defines the number of clock enables (CE1 and CE2) used. |
OFB_USED | STRING | "FALSE", "TRUE" | "FALSE" | Enables the path from the OLOGIC, OSERDESE2 OFB pin to the ISERDESE2 OFB pin. Disables the use of the D input pin. |
SERDES_MODE | STRING | "MASTER", "SLAVE" | "MASTER" | Specifies whether the ISERDESE2 module is a master or slave when using width expansion. Set to "MASTER" when not using width expansion. |
SRVAL_Q1, SRVAL_Q2, SRVAL_Q3, SRVAL_Q4 | BINARY | 1'b0 to 1'b1 | 1'b0 | Specifies the value (set or reset) of Q1 through Q4 outputs when the SR pin is invoked. |
VHDL Instantiation Template
Unless they already exist, copy the following
two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- ISERDESE2: Input SERial/DESerializer with Bitslip
-- 7 Series
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2022.2
generic map (
DATA_WIDTH => 4, -- Parallel data width (2-8,10,14)
-- INIT_Q1 - INIT_Q4: Initial value on the Q outputs (0/1)
INIT_Q1 => '0',
INIT_Q2 => '0',
INIT_Q3 => '0',
INIT_Q4 => '0',
NUM_CE => 2, -- Number of clock enables (1,2)
OFB_USED => "FALSE", -- Select OFB path (FALSE, TRUE)
-- SRVAL_Q1 - SRVAL_Q4: Q output values when SR is used (0/1)
SRVAL_Q1 => '0',
SRVAL_Q2 => '0',
SRVAL_Q3 => '0',
SRVAL_Q4 => '0'
port map (
O => O, -- 1-bit output: Combinatorial output
-- Q1 - Q8: 1-bit (each) output: Registered data outputs
Q1 => Q1,
Q2 => Q2,
Q3 => Q3,
Q4 => Q4,
Q5 => Q5,
Q6 => Q6,
Q7 => Q7,
Q8 => Q8,
-- SHIFTOUT1, SHIFTOUT2: 1-bit (each) output: Data width expansion output ports
BITSLIP => BITSLIP, -- 1-bit input: The BITSLIP pin performs a Bitslip operation synchronous to
-- CLKDIV when asserted (active High). Subsequently, the data seen on the
-- Q1 to Q8 output ports will shift, as in a barrel-shifter operation, one
-- position every time Bitslip is invoked (DDR operation is different from
-- SDR).
-- CE1, CE2: 1-bit (each) input: Data register clock enable inputs
CE1 => CE1,
CE2 => CE2,
CLKDIVP => CLKDIVP, -- 1-bit input: TBD
-- Clocks: 1-bit (each) input: ISERDESE2 clock input ports
CLK => CLK, -- 1-bit input: High-speed clock
CLKB => CLKB, -- 1-bit input: High-speed secondary clock
CLKDIV => CLKDIV, -- 1-bit input: Divided clock
OCLK => OCLK, -- 1-bit input: High speed output clock used when INTERFACE_TYPE="MEMORY"
-- Dynamic Clock Inversions: 1-bit (each) input: Dynamic clock inversion pins to switch clock polarity
DYNCLKDIVSEL => DYNCLKDIVSEL, -- 1-bit input: Dynamic CLKDIV inversion
DYNCLKSEL => DYNCLKSEL, -- 1-bit input: Dynamic CLK/CLKB inversion
-- Input Data: 1-bit (each) input: ISERDESE2 data input ports
D => D, -- 1-bit input: Data input
DDLY => DDLY, -- 1-bit input: Serial data from IDELAYE2
OFB => OFB, -- 1-bit input: Data feedback from OSERDESE2
OCLKB => OCLKB, -- 1-bit input: High speed negative edge output clock
RST => RST, -- 1-bit input: Active high asynchronous reset
-- SHIFTIN1, SHIFTIN2: 1-bit (each) input: Data width expansion input ports
-- End of ISERDESE2_inst instantiation
Verilog Instantiation Template
// ISERDESE2: Input SERial/DESerializer with Bitslip
// 7 Series
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2022.2
.DATA_WIDTH(4), // Parallel data width (2-8,10,14)
// INIT_Q1 - INIT_Q4: Initial value on the Q outputs (0/1)
.NUM_CE(2), // Number of clock enables (1,2)
.OFB_USED("FALSE"), // Select OFB path (FALSE, TRUE)
// SRVAL_Q1 - SRVAL_Q4: Q output values when SR is used (0/1)
ISERDESE2_inst (
.O(O), // 1-bit output: Combinatorial output
// Q1 - Q8: 1-bit (each) output: Registered data outputs
// SHIFTOUT1, SHIFTOUT2: 1-bit (each) output: Data width expansion output ports
.BITSLIP(BITSLIP), // 1-bit input: The BITSLIP pin performs a Bitslip operation synchronous to
// CLKDIV when asserted (active High). Subsequently, the data seen on the Q1
// to Q8 output ports will shift, as in a barrel-shifter operation, one
// position every time Bitslip is invoked (DDR operation is different from
// SDR).
// CE1, CE2: 1-bit (each) input: Data register clock enable inputs
.CLKDIVP(CLKDIVP), // 1-bit input: TBD
// Clocks: 1-bit (each) input: ISERDESE2 clock input ports
.CLK(CLK), // 1-bit input: High-speed clock
.CLKB(CLKB), // 1-bit input: High-speed secondary clock
.CLKDIV(CLKDIV), // 1-bit input: Divided clock
.OCLK(OCLK), // 1-bit input: High speed output clock used when INTERFACE_TYPE="MEMORY"
// Dynamic Clock Inversions: 1-bit (each) input: Dynamic clock inversion pins to switch clock polarity
.DYNCLKDIVSEL(DYNCLKDIVSEL), // 1-bit input: Dynamic CLKDIV inversion
.DYNCLKSEL(DYNCLKSEL), // 1-bit input: Dynamic CLK/CLKB inversion
// Input Data: 1-bit (each) input: ISERDESE2 data input ports
.D(D), // 1-bit input: Data input
.DDLY(DDLY), // 1-bit input: Serial data from IDELAYE2
.OFB(OFB), // 1-bit input: Data feedback from OSERDESE2
.OCLKB(OCLKB), // 1-bit input: High speed negative edge output clock
.RST(RST), // 1-bit input: Active high asynchronous reset
// SHIFTIN1, SHIFTIN2: 1-bit (each) input: Data width expansion input ports
// End of ISERDESE2_inst instantiation
Related Information
- See the 7 Series FPGA SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG471).