Concurrent Assertion - 2022.2 English

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Logic Simulation (UG937)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

This assertion is based on clock semantic and use sampled value of their expression. These assertions can expand over multiple cycle.

always@ (posedge clk)
    a1: assert property (a ##2 b);

a2: assert property (@(posedge clk) a ##2b);

In Vivado® simulator, the concurrent assertion of 2nd form that is used outside the procedural block is supported.

  1. In Tcl Console, invoke close_sim command to close the simulation running previously.
  2. In Tcl Console, invoke reset_simulation command to clean the simulation directory.
  3. In Tcl Console, invoke launch_simulation command to run the simulation.
  4. In Tcl Console, invoke the following command:
    current_scope /axi_vip_0__exdes_adv_mst_active_pt_mem__slv_passive/DUT/ex_design/axi_vip_passthrough/inst/IF/PC

  5. Double-click the scope PC to open the source code.
  6. Observe that line number 1144 onwards all the property declarations and assertions have been used.