The Post CRC INIT Flag property (POST_CRC_INIT_FLAG) determines whether the INIT_B pin is enabled as an output for the SEU (Single Event Upset) error signal. This feature is only supported in 7 series FPGAs. For more information refer to the 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide (UG470).
Tip: Alternatively, Xilinx recommends use of the
Xilinx Soft Error Mitigation (SEM) IP for all architectures.
This IP automates the implementation of single event upset (SEU) detection and
correction. For additional information, refer to the
Soft Error Mitigation Controller LogiCORE IP Product
Guide (PG036).
The error condition is always available from the FRAME_ECC site. However, when the POST_CRC_INIT_FLAG is ENABLED, which is the default, the INIT_B pin also flags the CRC error condition when it occurs.
This property is only applicable when POST_CRC is set to ENABLE.
- Architecture Support
- 7 series FPGAs.
- Applicable Objects
- Design (
): The current implemented design. - Values
: Disables the use of the INIT_B pin, with the FRAME_ECC site as the sole source of the CRC error signal. -
: Leaves the INIT_B pin enabled as a source of the CRC error signal (default).
- Verilog Syntax
Not applicable
- VHDL Syntax
Not applicable
- XDC Syntax
set_property POST_CRC_INIT_FLAG ENABLE | DISABLE [curent_design]
XDC Syntax Example:
set_property POST_CRC_INIT_FLAG Enable [current_design]
Affected Steps
- Write Bitstream
- launch_runs