OPT_SKIPPED - 2022.2 English - UG912

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide (UG912)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English
When logic optimization is skipped on a candidate primitive cell, the OPT_SKIPPED property of the cell is updated to reflect the skipped optimizations. When multiple optimizations are skipped on the same cell, the OPT_SKIPPED value contains a list of skipped optimizations.
Architecture Support
All architectures.
Applicable Objects
The OPT_SKIPPED attribute is placed on the cells.


The following table lists the OPT_SKIPPED property value for the various opt_design options:

Table 1. OPT_SKIPPED Property Value
opt_design Option OPT_SKIPPED Value
-bufg_opt BUFG_OPT
-carry_remap CARRY_REMAP
-control_set_merge CONTROL_SET_MERGE
-hier_fanout_limit HIER_FANOUT_LIMIT
-merge_equivalent_drivers MERGE_EQUIVALENT_DRIVERS
-muxf_remap MUXF_REMAP
-propconst PROPCONST
-remap REMAP
-resynth_remap REMAP
-resynth_area RESYNTH_AREA
-resynth_seq_area RESYNTH_AREA
-retarget RETARGET
-shift_register_opt SHIFT_REGISTER_OPT
-sweep SWEEP


This is a read-only property.

get_property OPT_SKIPPED [get_cells cell_name>]

Affected Steps

  • Implementation