opt_design -remap
combines multiple LUTs into a single LUT to reduce the depth of the logic. Remap
optimization can also combine LUTs that belong to different levels of the logical
Remapped logic is combined into the LUT that is furthest downstream in the logic cone.
The LUT_REMAP property lets you perform selective LUT remapping by applying the
property to sequential LUT pairs to direct opt_design
to merge them
into a single LUT.
Chains of LUTs with LUT_REMAP properties are collapsed into fewer logic levels where possible.
with the
option. To prevent LUTs from being remapped, apply the
DONT_TOUCH property with a value of true.Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904) for more information on optimization.
- Architecture Support
- All architectures.
- Applicable Objects
- LUT Cells (
- Values
| 1- If
opt_design -remap
is called, the presence of the LUT_REMAP property with a value of TRUE has no additional effect. - If
opt_design -remap
is not called, the presence of the LUT_REMAP property with a value of TRUE on specific cells will call LUT remapping only for those specific cells duringopt_design
- If
| 0: This setting has no effect as it does not prevent the LUT from being remapped.
- Verilog Syntax
Not applicable
- VHDL Syntax
Not applicable
- XDC Syntax
set_property LUT_REMAP <value> <objects>
XDC Syntax Example:
The following assigns the LUT_REMAP property to the specified LUT primitives:
set_property LUT_REMAP 1 [get_cells usbEngine*/* -filter {ref_name =~ LUT*}]
Affected Steps
- Logic Optimization (Opt Design)