For Xilinx FPGA devices having GigaBit Transceivers (GTs), each serial transceiver channel has a ring phase-locked loop (PLL) called Channel PLL (CPLL). For Xilinx UltraScale and 7 series FPGAs, the GTX has an additional shared PLL per quad, or Quad PLL (QPLL). This QPLL is a shared LC PLL to support high speed, high performance, and low power multi-lane applications.
Related Objects
HW_SIO_PLL objects are associated with hw_server, hw_target, hw_device, hw_sio_ibert, hw_sio_gt, or hw_sio_common objects.
You can query the PLLs of associated objects:
get_hw_sio_plls -of [get_hw_sio_commons]
And you can query the objects associated with a PLL:
get_hw_sio_iberts -of [get_hw_sio_plls *MGT_X0Y8/CPLL_0]
You can use the report_property
command to report the properties
assigned to a specific HW_SIO_PLL. Refer to the
Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835) for more information. The properties
assigned to a shared QPLL type of HW_SIO_PLL object includes the following, with
example values:
Property Type Read-only Visible Value
CLASS string true true hw_sio_pll
DISPLAY_NAME string true true COMMON_X0Y2/QPLL_0
DRP.QPLL_CFG string false true 06801C1
DRP.QPLL_CLKOUT_CFG string false true 0
DRP.QPLL_COARSE_FREQ_OVRD string false true 10
DRP.QPLL_COARSE_FREQ_OVRD_EN string false true 0
DRP.QPLL_CP string false true 01F
DRP.QPLL_CP_MONITOR_EN string false true 0
DRP.QPLL_DMONITOR_SEL string false true 0
DRP.QPLL_FBDIV string false true 0E0
DRP.QPLL_FBDIV_MONITOR_EN string false true 1
DRP.QPLL_FBDIV_RATIO string false true 1
DRP.QPLL_INIT_CFG string false true 000028
DRP.QPLL_LOCK_CFG string false true 21E8
DRP.QPLL_LOWER_BAND string false true 1
DRP.QPLL_LPF string false true F
DRP.QPLL_REFCLK_DIV string false true 10
LOGIC.QPLLRESET_CTRL string false true 0
LOGIC.QPLLRESET_STAT string false true 0
LOGIC.QPLL_LOCK string false true 0
NAME string true true
localhost/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210203327463A/0_1/IBERT/Quad_117/COMMON_X0Y2/QPLL_0 PARENT string true true localhost/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210203327463A/0_1/IBERT/Quad_117/COMMON_X0Y2
PORT.QPLLDMONITOR string false true EC
PORT.QPLLFBCLKLOST string false true 0
PORT.QPLLLOCK string false true 1
PORT.QPLLLOCKEN string false true 1
PORT.QPLLOUTRESET string false true 0
PORT.QPLLPD string false true 0
PORT.QPLLREFCLKLOST string false true 0
PORT.QPLLREFCLKSEL string false true 1
PORT.QPLLRESET string false true 0
PORT.QPLLRSVD1 string false true 0000
PORT.QPLLRSVD2 string false true 1F
QPLL_N_DIVIDER enum false true 64
QPLL_REFCLK_DIV enum false true 1
STATUS string false true LOCKED
To report the properties of the HW_SIO_PLL object, you can copy and paste the following command into the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell or Tcl Console:
report_property -all [lindex [get_hw_sio_plls] 0]