The BLACK_BOX attribute is a useful debugging attribute that can turn a whole level of hierarchy off and enable synthesis to create a black box for that module or entity. When the attribute is found, even if there is valid logic for a module or entity, Vivado synthesis creates a black box for that level. This attribute can be placed on a module, entity, or component.
For more information regarding coding style for Black Boxes, refer to this link in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Synthesis (UG901).
Architecture Support
All architectures.
Applicable Objects
Modules, entities, or components in the source RTL.
: Specifies that the module or entity should be viewed as a black
box and not expanded as part of the elaborated or synthesized design.
- VHDL Syntax
attribute black_box : string; attribute black_box of beh : architecture is "yes";
- Verilog Syntax
In Verilog, the BLACK_BOX attribute on the module does not require a value. Its presence defines a black box.
(* black_box *) module test(in1, in2, clk, out1);
- XDC Syntax
Not Applicable
Affected Steps
- Synthesis