Verifying Parameters between XPS and IP Integrator Designs for AXI Masters and Slaves in a Zynq Platform Processor-Based Design - 2022.2 English - UG911

ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migration Guide (UG911)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

1. Ensure that the XPS design has generated a netlist. This creates top-level IP wrapper files for every IP in the <xps_project>/hdl directory.

For example, <xps_project>/hdl /system_leds_4bits_wrapper.vhd contains the wrapper for AXI_GPIO in the EDK design. The important portions of the wrapper are the mappings to parameters, as shown below.


C_GPIO2_WIDTH => 32,


C_ALL_INPUTS_2 => 0,


C_DOUT_DEFAULT => X"00000000",

C_TRI_DEFAULT => X"ffffffff",

C_IS_DUAL => 0,

C_DOUT_DEFAULT_2 => X"00000000",

C_TRI_DEFAULT_2 => X"ffffffff"

2. In the Tcl Console, get the properties for the IP. For example, in the Tcl Console use the following command:

report_property [get_bd_cells axi_gpio_0]

From the report in the Tcl Console, the important lines contain C_, which are for parameters. The following example shows lines that are used for comparison.

CONFIG.C_ALL_INPUTS           string  false      true     0

CONFIG.C_ALL_INPUTS_2         string  false      true     0

CONFIG.C_ALL_OUTPUTS          string  false      true     1

CONFIG.C_ALL_OUTPUTS_2        string  false      true     0

CONFIG.C_DOUT_DEFAULT         string  false      true     0x00000000

CONFIG.C_DOUT_DEFAULT_2       string  false      true     0x00000000

CONFIG.C_GPIO2_WIDTH          string  false      true     32

CONFIG.C_GPIO_WIDTH           string  false      true     4

CONFIG.C_INTERRUPT_PRESENT    string  false      true     1

CONFIG.C_IS_DUAL              string  false      true     0

CONFIG.C_TRI_DEFAULT          string  false      true     0xFFFFFFFF

CONFIG.C_TRI_DEFAULT_2        string  false      true     0xFFFFFFFF

Comparing the parameters, all parameter values match except C_ALL_OUTPUTS and C_ALL_OUTPUTS_2 , which are new parameters on the latest AXI GPIO IP for IP integrator.

3. When setting these parameters, look for parameter additions or differences in the parameter values of the appropriate IP Product Specification.

If changes to parameters are necessary:

Double-click the IP instance in the block diagram and make the proper parameter changes to update the XCI file.

If you cannot find the parameters in the GUI:

1. Select the IP in the block diagram.

2. Select the Properties tab under Block Properties.

3. Expand Config and enter the value for the parameter.

4. Redo the report_property command and modify if necessary.

5. Click Validate Design to ensure no issues exist with the design.