TimeGROUP - 2022.2 English - UG911

ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migration Guide (UG911)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

You can use Tcl variables with timing exceptions to accomplish the same effect as an INST/TNM and a TIMESPEC. The following example illustrates the point.

UCF Example:

INST "DUT/BLOCK_A/data_reg[*]” TNM = "from_data_reg_0";

INST "DUT/BLOCK_A/addr_reg[*]” TNM = "from_data_reg_0";

INST "DUT/BLOCK_B/data_sync[*]” TNM = "to_data_reg_0";

INST "DUT/BLOCK_B/addr_sync[*]” TNM = "to_data_reg_0";

TIMESPEC "TS_MCP" = FROM "from_data_reg_0" TO "to_data_reg_0" TS_FSCLK * 3;

Tcl Equivalent:

set from_data_reg_0 [get_cells {DUT/BLOCK_A/data_reg[*]\ DUT/BLOCK_A/addr_reg[*]}];

set to_data_reg_0 [get_cells {DUT/BLOCK_B/data_sync[*]\ DUT/BLOCK_B/addr_sync[*]}];

set_multicycle_path -setup 3 -from $from_data_reg_0 -to $to_data_reg_0;

set_multicycle_path -hold 2 -from $from_data_reg_0 -to $to_data_reg_0;