DESIGN = test
DEVICE = xc7v585tffg1157-2
UCF_FILE = ../Src/${DESIGN}.ucf
EDIF_FILE = ../Src/${DESIGN}.edf
# Make all runs to place & route
all : place_n_route
# bitstream : Creates device bitstream
bitstream : ./${DESIGN}.bit
# place_n_route: Stops after place and route for analysis prior to bitstream generation
place_n_route : ${DESIGN}.ncd
# translate: Stops after full design elaboration for analysis and floorplanning prior to place and route step
translate : ${DESIGN}.ngd
# Following executes the ISE run
${DESIGN}.bit : ${DESIGN}.ncd
bitgen -f ${DESIGN}.ut ${DESIGN}.ncd
${DESIGN}.ncd : ${DESIGN}_map.ncd
par -w -ol high ${DESIGN}_map.ncd ${DESIGN}.ncd ${DESIGN}.pcf
${DESIGN}_map.ncd : ${DESIGN}.ngd
map -w -ol high -o ${DESIGN}_map.ncd ${DESIGN}.ngd ${DESIGN}.pcf
ngdbuild -uc ${UCF_FILE} -p ${DEVICE} ${EDIF_FILE} ${DESIGN}.ngd
# Clean up all the files from the Vivado run
clean :
rm -rf *.ncd *.ngd *.bit *.mrp *.map *.par *.bld *.pcf *.xml *.bgn *.html \
*.lst *.ngo *.xrpt *.unroutes *.xpi *.txt *.pad *.csv *.ngm xlnx_auto* \
_xmsgs *.ptwx
# Tar and compress all the files
tar :
tar -zcvf ${DESIGN}.tar.gz *.ncd *.ngd *.mrp *.map *.par *.bld *.pcf *.bgn \