1. In the block design, add the MicroBlaze IP.
2. Select Run Block Automation for MicroBlaze_0 .
3. In the Run Block Automation dialog box, make selections based on the information provided in Table: Bus Interfaces Used in XPS MicroBlaze Design .
TIP: The AXI Interconnect instance for AXI4Lite slave peripherals is called microblaze_0_axi_periph if Interrupt or UART is enabled for Debug from the table. Connection Automation adds this AXI Interconnect instance when connecting the first AXI Slave (typically AXI4Lite interface).
4. For the Clock Connection, select Clocking Wizard or New External Port , depending on the connections in XPS.
5. If MIG is used:
a. Instantiate and configure the MIG.
b. Select the clock (typically, the 100 MHz clock) that is determined for the MicroBlaze clock.