The Vivado IDE uses the IP integrator tool for embedded development. A variety of IP are available in the Vivado IDE IP catalog to accommodate complex designs. You can also add custom IP to the IP catalog.
You can migrate a Zynq-7000 platform processor-based design into the Vivado Design Suite using the following steps.
1. Generate the system infrastructure.
a. Create a Vivado project with the desired board or programmable device.
b. In the Flow Navigator, click IP Integrator and select Create Block Design .
c. Enter the Design name: design_1 . This generates the block design.
2. Add the ZYNQ7 processing system and import the XML file from the XPS design.
a. In the block diagram, right-click anywhere and select Add IP to open the IP Catalog.
b. In the IP catalog, double-click ZYNQ7 Processing System. This instantiates a processing_system7_0 instance on the block design.
c. Double-click the processing_system7_0 instance.
d. At the top of the Re-customize IP dialog box, click Import XPS Settings .
e. Click browse and select the directory of the XML file that was used for XPS.
f. Click OK .
TIP: Typically the XML file is located in the <XPS_Project>/data/ps7_system_prj.xml . The XML file stores information dealing with Zynq device Peripherals, MIO settings, DDR settings, and clocking including fabric clocks. You must enable AXI and other interfaces for Zynq devices manually.
3. Open the MHS file and look at the processing_system7 instance parameters and ports.
a. In the Page Navigator, select the PS-PL Configuration .
b. Do a search in the MHS file and set the following options based on the options listed in Table: PS/PL Configuration Options Settings .
4. In the Page Navigator, select Clock Configuration . Search the MHS file and set the following options based on the selections in Table: CLock Configurations .
The Requested Frequencies are set automatically based upon the imported XML file.
5. If interrupts are used:
a. In the Page Navigator, select Interrupts .
Fabric Interrupts
and select the interrupts used by the Zynq device.
With BSB designs,
under PL-PS Interrupts Ports were used. Check
under PL-PS Interrupt Ports.
6. In the Re-customize IP dialog box, click OK to save the imported settings.