Generally, UCF From:To constraints are converted to either set_max_delay or set_min_delay XDC constraints, with the -from , -to and -through design-dependent arguments.
The intent of UCF constraints is to use the equivalent XDC constraints. While most UCF constraints are net-based, XDC constraints must be constructed to ports and pins.
Helpful XDC commands for these constraints are: all_fanout , get_cells , and get_pins as well as the -from , -to , and -through arguments.
Assigning Timing Group to an Area Group |
UCF Example |
TIMEGRP clock_grp = AREA_GROUP clock_ag; |
XDC Example |
The Vivado Design Suite does not support this constraint in XDC. |
UCF Example |
TIMEGRP my_group = FFS EXCEPT your_group; |
XDC Example |
The Vivado Design Suite does not support this constraint in XDC. |
Between Groups |
UCF Example |
XDC Example |
Manual conversion is required. Construct a set_false_path that covers the desired paths. |
By Net |
UCF Example |
NET reset TIG; |
XDC Example |
set_false_path -through [get_nets reset] A better approach is to find the primary reset port and use: set_false_path -from [get_ports reset_port] |
By Instance |
UCF Example |
INST reset TIG; |
XDC Example |
set_false_path -from [get_cells reset] set_false_path -through [get_cells reset] set_false_path -to [get_cells reset] |
UCF Example |
PIN ff.d TIG; |
XDC Example |
set_false_path -to [get_pins ff/D] set_false_path -from [get_pins ff/C] set_false_path -through [get_pins lut/I0] |
Specific Time Constraints |
UCF Example |
NET reset TIG = TS_fast TS_even_faster; |
XDC Example |
The Vivado Design Suite does not support this constraint in XDC. Note: Constraint-specific TIG tries to disable timing through the net, but only for analysis of the two referenced constraints. |
UCF Example |
NET local_clock MAXSKEW = 2ns; |
XDC Example |
The Vivado Design Suite does not support this constraint in XDC. |
UCF Example |
NET local_clock MAXDELAY = 2ns; |
XDC Example |
The Vivado Design Suite does not support this constraint in XDC. You can, however, use set_max_delay for specifying the timing requirement for a valid timing path (synchronous start point to synchronous Endpoint). |