Finishing the Design - 2022.2 English - UG911

ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migration Guide (UG911)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

1. In the Sources tab, right-click design_1 and select Generate Output Products , and click Generate .

2. After generation, right-click design_1 in the Sources tab, and select Create HDL Wrapper .

3. Select OK for Vivado Design Suite to manage the top-level wrapper.

4. Create an XDC file that locks down pins in the design that are not board-related or additional constraints for MIG, for example, the location for the Reset pin and DCI_CASCADE settings for MIG.

5. In the Sources tab, right-click and select Associate ELF Files .

6. Select the appropriate ELF file from the project for Design Sources and/or Simulation Sources by clicking the ellipsis ( ) under Associated ELF Files.

7. Run the design through the Vivado Design Suite Implementation tools.