Combining legacy ChipScope Pro and Vivado Debug IP Cores within a Design - 2022.2 English - UG911

ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migration Guide (UG911)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

You can combine legacy ChipScope cores with Vivado core using the following rules:

You can either instantiate Vivado debug IP cores in your HDL code or you can insert the ILA v2.0 core into the netlist of the Vivado design.

Note: The dbg_hub core that connects your Vivado debug IP cores to the JTAG infrastructure is automatically inserted into your design.

You must instantiate the legacy ChipScope Pro debug IP cores into your HDL code.

Note: Debug core insertion into the Vivado design netlist is not supported for legacy ChipScope Pro debug IP cores.

Instantiate an ICON core in your design that is used to connect the other legacy ChipScope Pro debug IP cores to the JTAG chain infrastructure.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the ICON and dbg_hub cores do not use the same JTAG user scan chain; doing so produces errors during write_bitstream DRC checking.

To change the JTAG user scan chain of the dbg_hub core:

1. Open the synthesized design

2. In the Netlist window, select the dbg_hub core.

3. In the Cell Properties window, select the Debug Core Options .

4. Modify the C_USER_SCAN_CHAIN property value to a value that does not conflict with the ICON cores in your design.