Add the equivalent IP to the block diagram. The following are example steps for AXI Central Direct Memory Access (CDMA):
1. Right-click anywhere in the block diagram and select Add IP .
2. Search for and double-click AXI Central Direct Memory Access .
The AXI Masters (SG engine and AXI4 Data Master) on the IP is connected only in this section.
3. Double-click the instance ( axi_cdma_0 ) to configure the IP.
4. Open the MHS and match the settings as closely as possible; parameters could have been added, modified or removed.
5. Click OK .
Note: Parameter verification is discussed in the section Verifying Parameters between XPS and IP Integrator Designs for AXI Masters and Slaves in a Zynq Platform Processor-Based Design .
6. In the MHS, in the AXI Master instance section ( axi_cdma_0 instance), find the BUS_INTERFACE M_AXI = AXI_INTERCONNECT_HP0_SLAVE line.
Note: M_AXI could have a slightly different name.
7. Based upon the right side of the equation on that line ( BUS_INTERFACE M_AXI = AXI_INTERCONNECT_HP0_SLAVE , in this case, AXI_INTERCONNECT_HP0_SLAVE ) do a search and trace back into the processing_system_7 instance.
This AXI Master interface is connected to the S_AXI_HP0 interface.
AXI Master interfaces for the Zynq-7000 device are connected to S_AXI_GP0 , S_AXI_GP1 , S_AXI_HP0 , S_AXI_HP1 , S_AXI_HP2 , S_AXI_HP3 , S_AXI_ACP , depending on the connection in the MHS.
8. If the Zynq device AXI slave interface does not have an associated AXI Interconnect (for example on first time running Connection Automation on this interface), run Connection Automation for the Zynq-7000 device AXI slave interface.
For this example the AXI slave interface is: /processing_system_7_0/S_AXI_HP0 .
The AXI Master /axi_cdma_0/M_AXI or /axi_cdma_0/M_AXI_SG displays in the Run Connection Automation dialog box.
9. Select /axi_cdma_0/M_AXI .
10. Click OK .
11. If the Zynq device AXI Slave interface does contain an AXI Interconnect instance, run Connection Automation on the AXI Master interface (for this example, /axi_cdma_0/M_AXI_SG ).
12. Select /processing_system7_0/S_AXI_HP0 .
13. Click OK .
The Connection Automation creates or modifies the axi_mem_intercon instance for the AXI Interconnect.
For other clocks and resets, and for other internal or external signals, the method for making connections is similar to the method used in XPS designs.
14. If possible, use Run Connection Automation on external interfaces.