Revision History - 2022.2 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The following table shows the revision history for this document.

Section Revision Summary
11/21/2022 Version 2022.2
Introduction Updated the section.
Design Requirements and Guidelines Added a bullet.
Verifying Configurations Added second paragraph.
Abstract Shell Design Flow Updated the second paragraph.
Abstract Shell and Nested DFX Update the paragraph leading to the list.
Supported Features Added sub-bullets to first bullet.
Unsupported Features Removed first bullet and updated second bullet.
Editing Configuration Runs Added second paragraph and updated the Automatically Generated Configuration Runs figure.
IP Integrator Using Block Design Containers Updated the first paragraph.
Editing Configurations Updated the tip.
Editing Configuration Runs Added second paragraph and updated the Automatically Generated Configuration Runs figure.
BLI Floorplan Alignment Added a paragraph to the end of the topic.
Expanded Routing Added a link to Expansion of CONTAIN_ROUTING Area.
Major Enhancements for Clocking in Versal DFX Compared to UltraScale+ Updated the second paragraph.
Known Restrictions for Clocking in Versal DFX Updated first sub-bullet and added last two paragraphs.
Unsupported Features Removed Abstract Shell.
Export Hardware Added new topic.
Abstract Shell Project Flow Added new topic.
Black Boxes Added a note.
DFX for Versal SSI Devices Added new topic.
Logical Decoupling Added more information about DFX AXI Shutdown Manager IP.
Configuration Modes Added table footnote.
Configuration Debugging Updated last two bullets and added reference to UG570.
Supported Boot Modes Changed title.
Reconfiguration via U-Boot Added new topic.
Reconfiguration via Linux Added new topic.
NoC Clock Gating Issue Added images and updated text.
List of Supported Devices Updated the table.
References Added UG570 and wiki page links.
06/07/2022 Version 2022.1
Manage the Reconfigurable Partition Floorplan Added new topic.
Programmable Units Added new topic.
Debugging Versal DFX Designs Added new topic.
Reduce the Number of Partition Pins Added new topic.
Avoid Disjointed Pblocks for Better Routability and Timing Closure Added new topic.
List of Supported Devices Updated the table and moved it to Appendix.