Targets Tab - 2022.2 English - UG906

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English
Figure 1. Report Timing Dialog Box: Targets Tab

Report Timing provides several filtering options that you must use in order to report a particular path or group of paths. The filters are based on the structure of a timing path.

  • Startpoints (From): List of startpoints, such as sequential cell clock pins, sequential cells, input ports, bidirectional ports or source clock.

    If you combine several startpoints in a list, the reported paths will start from any of these netlist objects.

    The Rise/Fall filter selects a particular source clock edge.

    Equivalent Tcl option: -from, -rise_from, -fall_from

  • Through Points (Through): List of pins, ports, combinational cells or nets.

    You can combine several netlist objects in one list if you want to filter on paths that traverse any of them.

    You can also specify several Through options to refine your filters and report paths that traverse all groups of through points in the same order as they are listed in the command options.

    The Rise/Fall filter applies to the data edge.

    Equivalent Tcl option: -through, -rise_through, -fall_through

  • Endpoints (To): List of endpoints, such as input data pins of sequential cells, sequential cells, output ports, bidirectional ports or destination clock.

    If you combine several endpoints in a list, the reported paths will end with any of these netlist objects.

    In general, the Rise/Fall option selects a particular data edge. But if you specified a destination clock, it selects a particular clock edge.

    Equivalent Tcl option: -to, -rise_to, -fall_to

The Targets tab in the Report Timing dialog box (see the previous figure) defines the paths from the rising clock edge of usbClk_3, through any of the cpuEngine/or1200_cpu/sprs_dataout[*] nets, to either edge of cpuClk_5 or sysClk.