Using the Summary Sheet - 2022.2 English - UG440

Xilinx Power Estimator User Guide (UG440)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The Summary sheet is the default sheet on launch and allows you to enter all device and environment settings. On this sheet the tool also reports estimated power rail-wise and block-wise so you can quickly review thermal and supply power distribution for your design as shown in the following figure.

You can add a description, short details about the design, or calculations related to the design in the following places:

  • A Project field at the top of the Summary sheet allows you to add a description of the design.
  • In the XPE spreadsheets for 7 series and above devices, an area of boxes to the right of the Summary sheet allows you to add a description, details about the design, or calculations related to the design. In this area you can add links, data tables, graphics, or any other object you can enter in a regular Excel document.
  • In spreadsheets for pre-7 series devices, a Comment field at the bottom of the Summary sheet allows you to add a description or short details about the design.
  • If your data does not fit in the boxes on the Summary sheet, go to the User sheet. There you can add links, data tables, graphics, or any other object you can enter in a regular Excel document.
Tip: The Spartan-3, Spartan-3E, and Virtex-4 device spreadsheets have a slightly different layout for this sheet. The description of the different user settings and data presented in this view is, however, applicable to these spreadsheets
Figure 1. Summary Sheet - Adjust Settings and Display Power Results