Exporting as XPA Settings (*.xpa) File - 2022.2 English - UG440

Xilinx Power Estimator User Guide (UG440)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

Use this format to export XPE settings so they can then be applied to an XPower Analyzer session. This tool is typically used later in the design cycle when you are ready to perform a post place and route power analysis. The tool will create an .xpa file which contains all the environment settings, such as thermal, board and voltage properties.

This simplifies the analysis setup in XPower Analyzer and ensures power data can be compared between the two tools.

Note: To read the data exported from XPE into XPower Analyzer, enter the Settings file name (*.xpa) in the dialog box that appears when you open a design in XPower Analyzer (File > Open Design).
Note: In the XPower (XPWR) command line tool, which performs a power analysis on your design within the ISE Design Suite, use the -x <file_name> switch to read in the XPE exported data.