Creating New Project - 2022.2 English

Power Design Manager User Guide (UG1556)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English
  1. Click New Project on the Getting Started screen and click Next.
  2. Enter the project name and project location.

    You can also select the .xpe file generated from Vivado or XPE for the import flow.

  3. Clicking Next takes you to the part selection wizard. Select the temperature grade as commercial or industrial and process as typical or maximum and click Next.
    Tip: If *.xpe import flow is selected, then architecture and device details are populated automatically from *.xpe file.

    For Device selection details, refer to Device Selection and Configuration.

  4. Click Next and the click Finish on the New Project Summary page. Your new project with all the default values will be created and ready to use.
  5. Following is the summary sheet view in PDM after the new project is created.

    On the left panel, there are summary and other blocks tab for the device. The Summary tab has following sections:

    This panel is the summary of device selection and process setting for power estimation. You can change them in real time to see the impact on total power.
    Tip: For worst-case power estimation, use the maximum process. For Kria, worst case estimation is used for all on-board components except the Xilinx device.
    This read-only table shows the total power estimation, junction temperature (Tj) and margin based on the environment table.
    On-Chip Power
    The On-chip Power table reports a summary of block wise Dynamic and static power consumption of a design.
    DFX Usage
    The DFX Usage section determines if the NoC Clock gating is enabled or disabled. DFX designs with two or more RP does not support NoC clock gating. All the NoC clock buffers are on and consume power if a design has more than one RP.
    Allows the user to either force the Junction temperature to a fixed value or specify the maximum ambient and effective ThetaJA for the thermal solution (obtained from thermal simulation).
    Estimation Section
    Under the Estimation section on the left panel are device resources where you can provide input to the PDM about their usage, enable, and toggle rates.

At the bottom of the page is a Project Summary status, which remains visible while viewing all of the PDM sheets. This information provides a quick summary of the power, thermal settings, and margins for the design.

Click the show/hide button at the bottom right corner to hide this pane as needed.

Figure 1. Project Summary Status