Vitis HLS - 2022.2 English

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The Xilinx Vitis™ HLS block allows the functionality of a Vitis HLS design to be included in a Model Composer design. The Vitis HLS design can include C, C++ and System C design sources.

There are two steps to the method of including a Vitis HLS design into Model Composer. The first step is to use the Vitis HLS RTL Packaging feature to package the design files into a Solution directory. (Refer to Vitis HLS documentation for more information regarding RTL Packaging.) The second step is to place the Vitis HLS block in your Model Composer design and specify the Vitis HDL Solution directory as the target.

Block Parameters Dialog Box

Figure 1. Block Parameters Dialog Box
The path to the Solution space directory containing RTL packaged for Model Composer. This path is usually the path to a directory contained in a Vivado® HLS project. The path must be included in single quotes and must evaluate to a string.
A standard directory browse button.
Updates the block ports to the latest package contained in the solution space.
Opens the Vitis HLS project associated with solution space.
Use C simulation model if available
Use the C simulation model if it is available in the Vitis HLS package. As shown below, the simulation model being used is shown on the Vitis HLS block. In this case, an RTL-model is used because a C simulation model is not available.
Display signal types
Signal types to be used to drive input ports and emanating from output ports are displayed on the block icon when checked.
Output Sample Times
Select either the Simulink system period or the GCD of the inputs period.

Data Type Translation

Data Type Translation
C/C++ Data Type Model Composer Data Type
float XFloat_32_23
double XFloat_64_52
bool UFix_1_0
(unsigned) char (U)Fix_8_0
(unsigned) short (U)Fix_16_0
(unsigned) int (U)Fix_32_0
(unsigned) long (U)FIX_<PlatformDependent>_0
(unsigned) long long (U)Fix_64_0
ap_(u)fix<N,M> (U)Fix_<N>_<N-M>
ap_(u)int<N> (U)Fix_N_0

Known Issues

  • It is not possible to include a purely combinational design from Vitis HLS. The design must synthesize into an RTL design that contains a Clock and a Clock Enable input.
  • The top-level module cannot contain C/C++ templates.
  • Composite ports will be represented as UFix_<N>_0 only where N is the width of the port.
  • The current C simulation model only supports fixed latency and interval designs. The latency and interval numbers are obtained from the synthesis engine.
  • The current C simulation model supports the default block-level communication protocol (ap_hs).
  • The current C simulation model does not support the ‘ap_memory’ and ‘ap_bus’ interfaces.
  • Vitis HLS block does not support combinational designs due to performance considerations. In the current implementation, Model Composer updates each HLS input port multiple times every clock cycle. So it is very costly to evaluate the DUT whenever inputs changes.
  • The output values match RTL simulation results only when corresponding control signals indicate data are valid. So test bench and downstream blocks should read/observe data based on the communication protocol and control signals.
  • Because the Vitis HLS block has to use the GCC shipped in the Vivado Design Suite to compile dll on Win-64 platform, users cannot use arbitrary bitwidth integers in C designs on win-64 systems.