Fast Fourier Transform 9.1 - 2022.2 English

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The Xilinx Fast Fourier Transform block implements the Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm, a computationally efficient method for calculating the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). In addition, the block provides an AXI4-Stream-compliant interface.

The FFT computes an N-point forward DFT or inverse DFT (IDFT) where, N = 2m, m = 3 - 16. For fixed-point inputs, the input data is a vector of N complex values represented as dual bx-bit two’s complement numbers, that is, bx bits for each of the real and imaginary components of the data sample, where bx is in the range 8 to 34 bit, inclusive. Similarly, the phase factors bw can be 8 to 34 bits wide.

For single-precision floating-point inputs, the input data is a vector of N complex values represented as dual 32-bit floating-point numbers with the phase factors represented as 24- or 25-bit fixed-point numbers.

Theory of Operation

The FFT is a computationally efficient algorithm for computing a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of sample sizes that are a positive integer power of 2. The DFT of a sequence is defined as:

where N is the transform length and j is the square root of -1. The inverse DFT (IDFT) is defined as:

AXI Ports that are Unique to this Block

This System Generator block exposes the AXI CONFIG channel as a group of separate ports based on sub-field names. The sub-field ports are described as follows:

Configuration Channel Input Signals:

config_tdata_scale_sch A sub-field port that represents the Scaling Schedule field in the Configuration Channel vector. Refer to the document Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG109) for an explanation of the bits in this field.
config_tdata_fwd_inv A sub-field port that represents the Forward Inverse field in the Configuration Channel vector. Refer to the document Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG109) for an explanation of the bits in this field.
config_tdata_nfft A sub-field port that represents the Transform Size (NFFT) field in the Configuration Channel vector. Refer to the document Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG109) for an explanation of the bits in this field.
config_tdata_cp_len A sub-field port that represents the Cyclic Prefix Length (CP_LEN) field in the Configuration Channel vector. Refer to the document Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG109) for an explanation of the bits in this field.

This HDL block exposes the AXI DATA channel as separate ports based on the real and imaginary sub-field names. The sub-field ports are described as follows:

DATA Channel Input Signals:


Represents the imaginary component of the Data Channel. The signal driving xn_im can be a signed data type of width S with binary point at S-1, where S is a value between 8 and 34, inclusive. eg: Fix_8_7, Fix_34_33.

Both xn_re and xn_im signals must have the same data type.

Refer to the document Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG109) for an explanation of the bits in this field.


Represents the real component of the Data Channel. The signal driving xn_re can be a signed data type of width S with binary point at S-1, where S is a value between 8 and 34, inclusive. eg: Fix_8_7, Fix_34_33.

Both xn_re and xn_im signals must have the same data type.

Refer to the document Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG109) for an explanation of the bits in this field.

Block Parameters

The Block Parameters dialog box can be invoked by double-clicking the icon in your Simulink® model.

Basic tab
Parameters specific to the Basic tab are as follows.
Transform Length
One of N = 2(3..16) = 8 - 65536.
Architecture Configuration
Target Clock Frequency(MHz)
Enter the target clock frequency.
Target Data Throughput(MSPS)
Enter the target throughput.
Architecture Choice
Choose one of the following.
  • automatically_select
  • pipelined_streaming_io
  • radix_4_burst_io
  • radix_2_burst_io
  • radix_2_lite_burst_io
Transform Length Options
Run Time Configurable Transform Length
The transform length can be set through the nfft port if this option is selected. Valid settings and the corresponding transform sizes are provided in the section titled Transform Size in the associated document Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG109).
Advanced tab
Parameters specific to the Advanced tab are as follows.
Precision Options
Phase Factor Width
Choose a value between 8 and 34, inclusive to be used as bit widths for phase factors.
Scaling Options
Select between Unscaled, Scaled, and Block Floating Point output data types.
Rounding Modes
To be applied at the output of each rank.
Convergent Rounding
To be applied at the output of each rank.
Control Signals
Enables the clock enable (aclken) pin on the core. All registers in the core are enabled by this control signal.
Active-Low synchronous clear input that always takes priority over ACLKEN. A minimum ARESETn active pulse of two cycles is required, because the signal is internally registered for performance. A pulse of one cycle resets the core, but the response to the pulse is not in the cycle immediately following.
Output Ordering
Cyclic Prefix Insertion

Cyclic prefix insertion takes a section of the output of the FFT and prefixes it to the beginning of the transform. The resultant output data consists of the cyclic prefix (a copy of the end of the output data) followed by the complete output data, all in natural order. Cyclic prefix insertion is only available when output ordering is Natural Order.

When cyclic prefix insertion is used, the length of the cyclic prefix can be set frame-by-frame without interrupting frame processing. The cyclic prefix length can be any number of samples from zero to one less than the point size. The cyclic prefix length is set by the CP_LEN field in the Configuration channel. For example, when N = 1024, the cyclic prefix length can be from 0 to 1023 samples, and a CP_LEN value of 0010010110 produces a cyclic prefix consisting of the last 150 samples of the output data.

Output ordering
Choose between Bit/Digit Reversed Order or Natural Order output.
Throttle Schemes
Select the tradeoff between performance and data timing requirements.
Real Time
This mode typically gives a smaller and faster design, but has strict constraints on when data must be provided and consumed.
Non Real Time
This mode has no such constraints, but the design might be larger and slower.
Optional Output Fields
The XK_INDEX field (if present in the Data Output channel) gives the sample number of the XK_RE/XK_IM data being presented at the same time. In the case of natural order outputs, XK_INDEX increments from 0 to (point size) -1. When bit reversed outputs are used, XK_INDEX covers the same range of numbers, but in a bit (or digit) reversed manner.

The Overflow (OVFLO) field in the Data Output and Status channels is only available when the Scaled arithmetic is used. OVFLO is driven High during unloading if any point in the data frame overflowed.

For a multichannel core, there is a separate OVFLO field for each channel. When an overflow occurs in the core, the data is wrapped rather than saturated, resulting in the transformed data becoming unusable for most applications

Block Icon Display
Display shortened port names
On by default. When unchecked, data_tvalid, for example, becomes m_axis_data_tvalid.
Implementation tab
Parameters specific to the Implementation tab are as follows.
Memory Options
Option to choose between Block RAM and Distributed RAM. This option is available only for sample points 8 through 1024. This option is not available for Pipelined Streaming I/O implementation.
Phase Factors
Choose between Block RAM and Distributed RAM. This option is available only for sample points 8 till 1024. This option is not available for Pipelined Streaming I/O implementation.
Number Of Stages Using Block RAM
Store data and phase factor in Block RAM and partially in Distributed RAM. This option is available only for the Pipelined Streaming I/O implementation.
Reorder Buffer
Choose between Block RAM and Distributed RAM up to 1024 points transform size.
Hybrid Memories
Click check box to Optimize Block RAM Count Using Hybrid Memories.
Optimize Options
Complex Multipliers
Choose one of the following.
  • Use CLB logic
  • Use 3-multiplier structure (resource optimization)
  • Use 4-multiplier structure (performance optimization)
Butterfly Arithmetic
Choose one of the following:
  • Use CLB logic
  • Use XTremeDSP Slices

Other parameters used by this block are explained in the topic Common Options in Block Parameter Dialog Boxes.

Block Timing

To better understand the FFT blocks control behavior and timing, please consult the core data sheet.

LogiCORE Documentation

Fast Fourier Transform LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG109)

Floating-Point Operator LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG060)