The Xilinx AXI FIFO block implements a FIFO memory queue with an AXI-compatible block interface.
Block Interface
- Write Channel
- tready
- Indicates that the slave can accept a transfer in the current cycle.
- tvalid
- Indicates that the master is driving a valid transfer. A transfer takes place when both tvalid and tready are asserted.
- tdata
- The primary input data channel.
- Read Channel
- tdata
- The primary output for the data.
- tready
- Indicates that the slave can accept a transfer in the current cycle.
- tvaild
- Indicates that the slave is accepting a valid transfer. A transfer takes place when both tvalid and tready are asserted.
Block Parameters
The block parameters dialog box can be invoked by double-clicking the icon in your Simulink® model.
- Basic tab
Parameters specific to the Basic tab are as follows.
- Data Port Parameters
- FIFO depth
- Specifies the number of words that can be stored. Range 16-128K.
- Actual FIFO depth
- A report field that indicates the actual FIFO depth. The actual depth of the FIFO depends on its implementation and the features that influence its implementation.
- Optional Ports
- The primary payload that is used to provide the data that is passing across the interface. The width of the data payload is an integer number of bytes.
- Provides routing information for the data stream.
- The byte qualifier that indicates
whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA
is processed as a data byte or a position byte. For
a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the least
significant byte on DATA, and bit 7 corresponds to
the most significant byte. For example:
- STROBE[0] = 1b, DATA[7:0] is valid
- STROBE[7] = 0b, DATA[63:56] is not valid
- Indicates that the slave can accept a transfer in the current cycle.
- The data stream identifier that indicates different streams of data.
- The user-defined sideband information that can be transmitted alongside the data stream.
- The byte qualifier that indicates
whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA
is processed as part of the data stream. Associated
bytes that have the TKEEP byte qualifier de-asserted
are null bytes and can be removed from the data
stream. For a 64-bit DATA, bit 0 corresponds to the
least significant byte on DATA, and bit 7
corresponds to the most significant byte. For
- KEEP[0] = 1b, DATA[7:0] is a NULL byte
- KEEP [7] = 0b, DATA[63:56] is not a NULL byte
- Indicates the boundary of a packet.
- arestn
- Adds arestn (global reset) port to the block.
- Data Threshold Parameters
- Provide FIFO occupancy DATA counts
- Adds data_count port to the block. This port indicates the number of words written into the FIFO. The count is guaranteed to never under-report the number of words in the FIFO, to ensure the user never overflows the FIFO. The exception to this behavior is when a write operation occurs at the rising edge of write clock; that write operation will only be reflected on WR_DATA_COUNT at the next rising clock edge.
- Implementation tab
- FIFO Options
- FIFO implementation type
- Specifies how the FIFO is implemented in the FPGA. Possible options are: Common Clock block RAM and Common Clock Distributed RAM. The XPM_FIFO_AXIS macro will be inferred or implemented when the design is compiled. For information on the XPM_FIFO_AXIS Xilinx Parameterized Macro (XPM), refer to UltraScale Architecture Libraries Guide (UG974).
Other parameters used by this block are explained in the topic Common Options in Block Parameter Dialog Boxes.