Important: When loops are used in C++ classes, care should
be taken to ensure that the loop induction variable is not a data member of the class as
this prevents the loop from being unrolled.
In this example, loop induction variable k
is a
member of class loop_class
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, int N>
class loop_class {
pe_mac<T0, T1, T2> mac;
T0 areg;
T0 breg;
T2 mreg;
T1 preg;
T0 shift[N];
int k; // Class Member
T0 shift_output;
void exec(T1 *pcout, T0 *dataOut, T1 pcin, T3 coeff, T0 data, int col)
#pragma HLS inline off
SRL:for (k = N-1; k >= 0; --k) {
#pragma HLS unroll // Loop will fail UNROLL
if (k > 0)
shift[k] = shift[k-1];
shift[k] = data;
*dataOut = shift_output;
shift_output = shift[N-1];
*pcout = mac.exec1(shift[4*col], coeff, pcin);
For Vitis HLS to be able to unroll the loop as
specified by the UNROLL pragma directive, the code should be rewritten to remove k
as a class member and make it local to the