Building the system requires compiling and linking both the host program
and the FPGA binary (xclbin). Your defined
application project includes a top-level system project, host processor project,
hardware kernel project, and hw_link
project. Both the host and kernel
projects contain source code in the src folder, as
imported or created in the project. Any of these projects can be opened in the
Project Editor view, shown
in the following figure, which gives a top-level view of the project and its various
build configurations.
Depending on the type of project you are viewing, system project, host, kernel, or link, the Project Editor provides the following details:
- General information about the project name
- Target platform
- Active build configuration
- Several configuration options related to the selected project
These include boot files for system project, debug options for the host or kernel projects, and a menu to select the report level of the hardware kernel project as discussed in Controlling Report Generation.
The bottom portion of the Project
Editor view displays Application Projects contained in the top-level system
project, as shown in the figure above, or displays the Hardware Functions that will be compiled in a
hardware kernel project, or assigned to the binary container in the
project to be built into the xclbin.
To specify a function to be compiled in a hardware kernel project, click
the Add Hardware Function () button in the
upper right of the Hardware
Functions pane. This opens the Add Hardware Functions dialog box displaying a
list of functions defined in the source code of the current project, as shown below.
Select a function from the list to specify the hardware function, and
click OK. The selected function becomes the
target of the build process for the hardware kernel project and is also added to the
device binary in the hw_link