Kernel Information - 2022.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

For each kernel in the xclbin, the function definition, ports, and instance information is reported.

The following is an example of the reported function definition.

   Signature: krnl_vadd (int* a, int* b, int* c, 
			 int const  n_elements)

The following is an example of the reported ports.

   Port:          M_AXI_GMEM
   Mode:          master
   Range (bytes): 0xFFFFFFFF
   Data Width:    32 bits
   Port Type:     addressable

   Port:          M_AXI_GMEM1
   Mode:          master
   Range (bytes): 0xFFFFFFFF
   Data Width:    32 bits
   Port Type:     addressable

   Port:          S_AXI_CONTROL
   Mode:          slave
   Range (bytes): 0x1000
   Data Width:    32 bits
   Port Type:     addressable

The following is an example of the reported instance(s) of the kernel.

Instance:        krnl_vadd_1
   Base Address: 0x0

   Argument:          a
   Register Offset:   0x10
   Port:              M_AXI_GMEM
   Memory:            bank1 (MEM_DDR4)

   Argument:          b
   Register Offset:   0x1C
   Port:              M_AXI_GMEM
   Memory:            bank1 (MEM_DDR4)

   Argument:          c
   Register Offset:   0x28
   Port:              M_AXI_GMEM1
   Memory:            bank1 (MEM_DDR4)

   Argument:          n_elements
   Register Offset:   0x34
   Port:              S_AXI_CONTROL
   Memory:            <not applicable>