The text format has the following structure:
- Lines beginning with a percent character (%) are considered line comments.
- Entries are terminated with a semi-colon.
- Field values are always defined in hex.
field1=1234 field2=5678
- Lines containing stored persistence values start with ‘#’.
Persistance values remain set until a later definition changes them. There is no
semi-colon at the end of persistence value changes.
# field1=1234 field2=5678
# field3=9abc
- Lines starting with ‘@’ triggers entry replication, with the
number after the symbol being a decimal number. There is no semi-colon at the
end of replication lines.
@ 100 field1=1234 field2=5678
- Lines starting with ‘@’ followed by the ‘*’ character signals
that replication continues for all remaining packets. The simulation will stop
reading from the file.
@ * field1=1234 field2=5678
The following is an example of the metadata file in text format.
metadata.new_vlan_pcp=1 metadata.new_vlan_cfi=1 metadata.new_vlan_vid=ae8 ;
# metadata.new_vlan_pcp=2 metadata.new_vlan_cfi=0 metadata.new_vlan_vid=5c0
metadata.new_vlan_pcp=6 metadata.new_vlan_cfi=0 metadata.new_vlan_vid=335 ;
@ 4 metadata.new_vlan_pcp=3 metadata.new_vlan_cfi=1 metadata.new_vlan_vid=9
metadata.new_vlan_pcp=4 metadata.new_vlan_cfi=1 metadata.new_vlan_vid=dc1 ;
metadata.new_vlan_pcp=5 metadata.new_vlan_cfi=0 metadata.new_vlan_vid=5d9 ;
metadata.new_vlan_pcp=5 metadata.new_vlan_cfi=1 metadata.new_vlan_vid=410 ;
metadata.new_vlan_pcp=5 metadata.new_vlan_cfi=1 metadata.new_vlan_vid=c04 ;
@ * metadata.new_vlan_pcp=3 metadata.new_vlan_cfi=1 metadata.new_vlan_vid=99