The example design can be extended to support multiple VitisNetP4 IP instances. There are a few steps involved:
- Update to set the NUM_M_AXI parameter to the number of VitisNetP4 IP instances. Then instantiate all those instances and connect the data-plane signals as appropriate in
- Update
- Add `include at the top for the package files of any other VitisNetP4 IP instances.
- Add further calls to the run_cli_commands macro for each VitisNetP4 IP instance (following the commented out instructions).
- Remove run_traffic command from all but last cli_commands file, so that traffic is only run after all table entries have been setup.
- Update to run-p4bm-vitisnet.tcl script (or equivalent script) for behavioral modeling of multiple P4 instances with potentially other custom modules in between.
The example_control module will use the same axi_lite_wr and axi_lite_rd tasks for the AXI-Lite signaling sequence, but it will multiplex those signals to the corresponding VitisNetP4 IP instance according to the call to the run_cli_commands macro.
Alternative setups are also possible. For example, the multiplexing could be replaced with the addition of different offset addresses for the different VitisNetP4 IP instances, in cases where a single AXI-Lite I/F exists on the DUT and the address decoding to the different VitisNetP4 IP instances happens within the DUT.
Refer to Daisy-Chain Example Design section in Chapter 3, Vitis Networking P4 Tool Flows for more information.