This example summarizes Target and Interrupt API functions to control and monitor the ECC interrupts for the table present in the FiveTuple example. This example C program is provided at the following location:
This program demonstrates target and interrupt driver function calls to
achieve the following functionality:
- Initialize the driver using XilVitisNetP4TargetInit()
- Obtain the context for the interrupt driver using XilVitisNetP4TargetGetInterruptDrv()
- Obtain the P4 element ID for the “FiveTuple” table using XilVitisNetP4TargetGetTableElementIdByName()
- Enable both single and double bit ECC error interrupts using XilVitisNetP4TargetInterruptEnableElementEccErrorById()
- Read interrupt status to determine if either a single or double bit ECC error interrupt has occurred using XilVitisNetP4TargetInterruptGetElementEccErrorStatusById()
- Clear the single or double bit ECC error interrupts if present using XilVitisNetP4TargetInterruptClearElementEccErrorStatusById()
- Disable the single bit ECC error interrupt using XilVitisNetP4TargetInterruptDisableElementEccErrorById()
- Exit driver using XilVitisNetP4TargetExit()