Examples of Basic Architectures - 2022.2 English - UG1308

Vitis Networking P4 User Guide (UG1308)

Document ID
2022.2 English

This section provides examples to illustrate how Vitis™ Networking P4 can be used. Note that an empty box in the diagrams represents a "null" engine to illustrate that a particular engine is not required.

The following figure illustrates a trivial topology of an OpenFlow classifier consisting of a Parser and a Look-up engine. The Look-up engine is of type TCAM in this example.

Figure 1. Trivial Topology of an Openflow Classifier

The following figure illustrates a router example that utilizes two different types of Look-up engines: exact match (BCAM) and longest prefix match (LPM).

Figure 2. Router Example

The following figure illustrates an example of performing the encryption path of an IPSec implementation. The system consists of three Vitis Networking P4 instances and user IP. The user IP in this example implements other functions such as counters and also the encryption function.

Figure 3. User IP Performing Encryption Path of an IPSec Implementation

The following figure illustrates another example showing the decryption path of an IPSec implementation.

Figure 4. Decryption Path of an IPSec Implementation