The example summarizes Target and Control API functions to set the packet rate
limit margin, and injecting ECC errors. This example C program is provided at the
following location: <project_name>/<project_name>.gen/sources_1/ip/<inst_name>/src/sw/drivers/target/example/ctrl_example.c
This program demonstrates target driver function calls to achieve the following functionality:
- Initialize the driver using XilVitisNetP4TargetInit()
- Obtain a context for the control driver using XilVitisNetP4TargetGetCtrlDrv()
- Reset all of the Vitis Networking P4 engines using XilVitisNetP4TargetCtrlSoftResetEngine()
- Set the packet rate limit margin using XilVitisNetP4TargetCtrlSetPacketRateLimitMargin()
- Enable and Disable ECC error injection for a single Vitis Networking P4 Component using XilVitisNetP4TargetCtrlIpComponentEnableInjectEccError() and XilVitisNetP4TargetCtrlIpComponentDisableInjectEccError()
- Enable and Disable ECC error injection for a single P4 Element using XilVitisNetP4TargetCtrlP4ElementEnableInjectEccError() and XilVitisNetP4TargetCtrlP4ElementDisableInjectEccError()