Data Select - 2022.2 English - UG1079

AI Engine Kernel and Graph Programming Guide (UG1079)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The select intrinsic selects between the first set of lanes or the second one according to the value of the select parameter. If the lane corresponding bit in select is zero, it returns the value in the first set of lanes. If the bit is one, it returns the value in the second set of lanes. For example, a select16 intrinsic function has the following function prototype.

v16int32 select16	(	unsigned int 	select,
	v16int32 	xbuff,
	int 	xstart,
	unsigned int 	xoffsets,
	unsigned int 	xoffsets_hi,
	v16int32 	ybuff,
	int 	ystart,
	unsigned int 	yoffsets,
	unsigned int 	yoffsets_hi 

For each bit of select (from low to high), it will select a lane either from xbuff (if the select parameter bit is 0) or from ybuff (if the select parameter bit is 1). Data permute on the resulting lane of xbuff or ybuff is achieved by a shuffle with corresponding bits in xoffsets or yoffsets. Following is the pseudo C-style code for select.

for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++){
	idx = f( xstart, xoffsets[i]); //i'th 4 bits of offsets
	idy = f( ystart, yoffsets[i]);
	o[i] = select[i] ? y[idy]:x[idx];

For information about how f works in previous code, refer to the regular lane selection scheme equation listed at the beginning of this section.

When working on the int16 data type, the select intrinsic has an additional xsquare parameter which allows a further 16-bit granularity mini permute after main permute. For example, a select32 intrinsic function has the following function prototype.

v32int16 select32	(	unsigned int 	select,
	v64int16 	xbuff,
	int 	xstart,
	unsigned int 	xoffsets,
	unsigned int 	xoffsets_hi,
	unsigned int 	xsquare,
	int 	ystart,
	unsigned int 	yoffsets,
	unsigned int 	yoffsets_hi,
	unsigned int 	ysquare 

Following is the pseudo C-style code for select.

for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++){
	idx = f( xstart, xoffsets[i], xsquare); 
	idy = f( ystart, yoffsets[i], ysquare);
	o[i] = select[i] ? y[idy]:x[idx];

The following example uses select32 to interleave first 16 elements of A and B (A first).

int16 A[32]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,
int16 B[32]={32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,
v32int16 *pA=(v32int16*)A;
v32int16 *pB=(v32int16*)B;
v32int16 C = select32(0xAAAAAAAA, concat(*pA,*pB),
		0, 0x03020100, 0x07060504, 0x1100,
		32, 0x03020100, 0x07060504, 0x1100);

The output C for the previous code is as follows.


This can also be done using the shuffle32 intrinsic.

v32int16 C = shuffle32(concat(*pA,*pB),
	0, 0xF3F2F1F0, 0xF7F6F5F4, 0x3120);

The following figure shows how the previous select32 intrinsic works.

Figure 1. Data Select on int16 Type